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Cambridge Public Health


Miriam Alvarado is PhD student and Gates Scholar with the Evaluation of Population Interventions in Dietary Public Health programme at CEDAR. Her research focus is an evaluation of the sugar-sweetened beverage tax implemented in Barbados in 2015, supervised by Dr Jean Adams and Professor Nigel Unwin.

Publications from Elements


2024 (No publication date)

  • 2024 (No publication date). Monitoring and Measuring Health Taxes
  • Journal articles

    2023 (Accepted for publication)

  • Alvarado, M., Marten, R., Garcia, L., Kwamie, A., White, M. and Adams, J., 2023 (Accepted for publication). Using systems thinking to generate novel research questions for the evaluation of sugar-sweetened beverage taxation policies BMJ Global Health,
    Doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2023-012060
  • Alvarado, M., Adams, J., Penney, T., Murphy, M., Abdool Karim, S., Egan, N., Trivedy Rogers, N., Carters-White, L. and White, M., 2023 (Accepted for publication). A systematic scoping review evaluating sugar-sweetened beverage taxation from a systems perspective Nature Food,
  • 2023

  • Alvarado, M., Garrett, J., Fullam, J., Lovell, R., Guell, C., Taylor, T., Garside, R., Zandersen, M. and Wheeler, BW., 2023. Using causal loop diagrams to develop evaluative research propositions: opportunities and challenges in applications to nature-based solutions System Dynamics Review,
    Doi: 10.1002/sdr.1756
  • Alvarado, MR., Lovell, R., Guell, C., Taylor, T., Fullam, J., Garside, R., Zandersen, M. and Wheeler, BW., 2023. Street trees and mental health: developing systems thinking-informed hypotheses using causal loop diagraming Ecology and Society, v. 28
  • 2022 (Accepted for publication)

  • Alvarado, M., Penney, T., Clifford Astbury, C., Forde, H., White, M. and Adams, J., 2022 (Accepted for publication). Making integration foundational in population health intervention research: why we need ‘Work Package Zero’ Public Health,
  • 2022

  • Roche, M., Alvarado, M., Sandoval, RC., Gomes, FDS. and Paraje, G., 2022. Comparing taxes as a percentage of sugar-sweetened beverage prices in Latin America and the Caribbean. Lancet Reg Health Am, v. 11
  • 2021

  • Alvarado, M., Penney, TL., Unwin, N., Murphy, MM. and Adams, J., 2021. Evidence of a health risk 'signalling effect' following the introduction of a sugar-sweetened beverage tax. Food Policy, v. 102
  • 2020 (Accepted for publication)

  • Alvarado, M., Harris, R., Rose, A., Unwin, N., Hambleton, I., Imamura, F. and Adams, J., 2020 (Accepted for publication). Using nutritional survey data to inform the design of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes in low-resource contexts: a cross-sectional analysis based on data from an adult Caribbean population BMJ Open,
  • 2019 (No publication date)

  • Alvarado, M., Unwin, N., Sharp, SJ., Hambleton, I., Murphy, MM., Samuels, TA., Suhrcke, M. and Adams, J., 2019 (No publication date). Assessing the impact of the Barbados sugar-sweetened beverage tax on beverage sales: an observational study International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity,
  • 2018 (Accepted for publication)

  • Brown, CR., Hambleton, I., Hercules, SM., Unwin, NC., Murphy, MM., Nigel Harris, E., Wilks, R., MacLeish, M., Sullivan, L. and Sobers-Grannum, N., 2018 (Accepted for publication). Social determinants of prostate cancer in the Caribbean: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, v. 18
  • 2018

  • Foster, N., Thow, AM., Unwin, N., Alvarado, M. and Samuels, TA., 2018. Regulatory measures to fight obesity in Small Island Developing States of the Caribbean and Pacific, 2015 - 2017. Rev Panam Salud Publica, v. 42
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Alvarado, MR., Kostova, D., Suhrcke, M., Hambelton, I., Hassell, T., Samuels, A., Adams, J. and Unwin, N., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Trends in beverage prices following the introduction of a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Barbados Preventive Medicine,
  • 2017

  • Brown, CR., Hambleton, IR., Hercules, SM., Alvarado, M., Unwin, N., Murphy, MM., Harris, EN., Wilks, R., MacLeish, M., Sullivan, L., Sobers-Grannum, N. and U.S. Caribbean Alliance for Health Disparities Research Group (USCAHDR), , 2017. Social determinants of breast cancer in the Caribbean: a systematic review. Int J Equity Health, v. 16
  • 2015

  • Alvarado, M., Murphy, MM. and Guell, C., 2015. Barriers and facilitators to physical activity amongst overweight and obese women in an Afro-Caribbean population: A qualitative study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, v. 12
  • 2014

  • Hotez, PJ., Alvarado, M., Basáñez, M-G., Bolliger, I., Bourne, R., Boussinesq, M., Brooker, SJ., Brown, AS., Buckle, G., Budke, CM., Carabin, H., Coffeng, LE., Fèvre, EM., Fürst, T., Halasa, YA., Jasrasaria, R., Johns, NE., Keiser, J., King, CH., Lozano, R., Murdoch, ME., O'Hanlon, S., Pion, SDS., Pullan, RL., Ramaiah, KD., Roberts, T., Shepard, DS., Smith, JL., Stolk, WA., Undurraga, EA., Utzinger, J., Wang, M., Murray, CJL. and Naghavi, M., 2014. The global burden of disease study 2010: interpretation and implications for the neglected tropical diseases. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, v. 8
  • 2013

  • Murray, CJL., Atkinson, C., Bhalla, K., Birbeck, G., Burstein, R., Chou, D., Dellavalle, R., Danaei, G., Ezzati, M., Fahimi, A., Flaxman, D., Foreman, , Gabriel, S., Gakidou, E., Kassebaum, N., Khatibzadeh, S., Lim, S., Lipshultz, SE., London, S., Lopez, , MacIntyre, MF., Mokdad, AH., Moran, A., Moran, AE., Mozaffarian, D., Murphy, T., Naghavi, M., Pope, C., Roberts, T., Salomon, J., Schwebel, DC., Shahraz, S., Sleet, DA., Murray, , Abraham, J., Ali, MK., Atkinson, C., Bartels, DH., Bhalla, K., Birbeck, G., Burstein, R., Chen, H., Criqui, MH., Dahodwala, , Jarlais, , Ding, EL., Dorsey, ER., Ebel, BE., Ezzati, M., Fahami, , Flaxman, S., Flaxman, AD., Gonzalez-Medina, D., Grant, B., Hagan, H., Hoffman, H., Kassebaum, N., Khatibzadeh, S., Leasher, JL., Lin, J., Lipshultz, SE., Lozano, R., Lu, Y., Mallinger, L., McDermott, MM., Micha, R., Miller, TR., Mokdad, AA., Mokdad, AH., Mozaffarian, D., Naghavi, M., Narayan, KMV., Omer, SB., Pelizzari, PM., Phillips, D., Ranganathan, D., Rivara, FP., Roberts, T., Sampson, U., Sanman, E., Sapkota, A., Schwebel, DC., Sharaz, S., Shivakoti, R., Singh, GM., Singh, D., Tavakkoli, M., Towbin, JA., Wilkinson, JD., Zabetian, A., Murray, , Abraham, J., Ali, MK., Alvardo, M., Atkinson, C., Baddour, LM., Benjamin, EJ., Bhalla, K., Birbeck, G., Bolliger, I., Burstein, R., Carnahan, E., Chou, D., Chugh, SS., Cohen, A., Colson, KE., Cooper, LT., Couser, W., Criqui, MH., Dabhadkar, KC., Dellavalle, RP., Jarlais, , Dicker, D., Dorsey, ER., Duber, H., Ebel, BE., Engell, RE., Ezzati, M., Felson, DT., Finucane, MM., Flaxman, S., Flaxman, AD., Fleming, T., Foreman, , Forouzanfar, MH., Freedman, G., Freeman, MK., Gakidou, E., Gillum, RF., Gonzalez-Medina, D., Gosselin, R., Gutierrez, HR., Hagan, H., Havmoeller, R., Hoffman, H., Jacobsen, KH., James, SL., Jasrasaria, R., Jayarman, S., Johns, N., Kassebaum, N., Khatibzadeh, S., Lan, Q., Leasher, JL., Lim, S., Lipshultz, SE., London, S., Lopez, , Lozano, R., Lu, Y., Mallinger, L., Meltzer, M., Mensah, GA., Michaud, C., Miller, TR., Mock, C., Moffitt, TE., Mokdad, AA., Mokdad, AH., Moran, A., Naghavi, M., Narayan, KMV., Nelson, RG., Olives, C., Omer, SB., Ortblad, K., Ostro, B., Pelizzari, PM., Phillips, D., Raju, M., Razavi, H., Ritz, B., Roberts, T., Sacco, RL., Salomon, J., Sampson, U., Schwebel, DC., Shahraz, S., Shibuya, K., Silberberg, D., Singh, JA., Steenland, K., Taylor, JA., Thurston, GD., Vavilala, MS., Vos, T., Wagner, GR., Weinstock, MA., Weisskopf, MG., Wulf, S., Murray, and U.S. Burden of Disease Collaborators, , 2013. The state of US health, 1990-2010: burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors. JAMA, v. 310
  • Blencowe, H., Vos, T., Lee, ACC., Philips, R., Lozano, R., Alvarado, MR., Cousens, S. and Lawn, JE., 2013. Estimates of neonatal morbidities and disabilities at regional and global levels for 2010: introduction, methods overview, and relevant findings from the Global Burden of Disease study. Pediatr Res, v. 74 Suppl 1
  • 2012

  • Lozano, R., Naghavi, M., Foreman, K., Lim, S., Shibuya, K., Aboyans, V., Abraham, J., Adair, T., Aggarwal, R., Ahn, SY., Alvarado, M., Anderson, HR., Anderson, LM., Andrews, KG., Atkinson, C., Baddour, LM., Barker-Collo, S., Bartels, DH., Bell, ML., Benjamin, EJ., Bennett, D., Bhalla, K., Bikbov, B., Bin Abdulhak, A., Birbeck, G., Blyth, F., Bolliger, I., Boufous, S., Bucello, C., Burch, M., Burney, P., Carapetis, J., Chen, H., Chou, D., Chugh, SS., Coffeng, LE., Colan, SD., Colquhoun, S., Colson, KE., Condon, J., Connor, MD., Cooper, LT., Corriere, M., Cortinovis, M., de Vaccaro, KC., Couser, W., Cowie, BC., Criqui, MH., Cross, M., Dabhadkar, KC., Dahodwala, N., De Leo, D., Degenhardt, L., Delossantos, A., Denenberg, J., Des Jarlais, DC., Dharmaratne, SD., Dorsey, ER., Driscoll, T., Duber, H., Ebel, B., Erwin, PJ., Espindola, P., Ezzati, M., Feigin, V., Flaxman, AD., Forouzanfar, MH., Fowkes, FGR., Franklin, R., Fransen, M., Freeman, MK., Gabriel, SE., Gakidou, E., Gaspari, F., Gillum, RF., Gonzalez-Medina, D., Halasa, YA., Haring, D., Harrison, JE., Havmoeller, R., Hay, RJ., Hoen, B., Hotez, PJ., Hoy, D., Jacobsen, KH., James, SL., Jasrasaria, R., Jayaraman, S., Johns, N., Karthikeyan, G., Kassebaum, N., Keren, A., Khoo, J-P., Knowlton, LM., Kobusingye, O., Koranteng, A., Krishnamurthi, R., Lipnick, M., Lipshultz, SE., Ohno, SL., Mabweijano, J., MacIntyre, MF., Mallinger, L., March, L., Marks, GB., Marks, R., Matsumori, A., Matzopoulos, R., Mayosi, BM., McAnulty, JH., McDermott, MM., McGrath, J., Mensah, GA., Merriman, TR., Michaud, C., Miller, M., Miller, TR., Mock, C., Mocumbi, AO., Mokdad, AA., Moran, A., Mulholland, K., Nair, MN., Naldi, L., Narayan, KMV., Nasseri, K., Norman, P., O'Donnell, M., Omer, SB., Ortblad, K., Osborne, R., Ozgediz, D., Pahari, B., Pandian, JD., Rivero, AP., Padilla, RP., Perez-Ruiz, F., Perico, N., Phillips, D., Pierce, K., Pope, CA., Porrini, E., Pourmalek, F., Raju, M., Ranganathan, D., Rehm, JT., Rein, DB., Remuzzi, G., Rivara, FP., Roberts, T., De León, FR., Rosenfeld, LC., Rushton, L., Sacco, RL., Salomon, JA., Sampson, U., Sanman, E., Schwebel, DC., Segui-Gomez, M., Shepard, DS., Singh, D., Singleton, J., Sliwa, K., Smith, E., Steer, A., Taylor, JA., Thomas, B., Tleyjeh, IM., Towbin, JA., Truelsen, T., Undurraga, EA., Venketasubramanian, N., Vijayakumar, L., Vos, T., Wagner, GR., Wang, M., Wang, W., Watt, K., Weinstock, MA., Weintraub, R., Wilkinson, JD., Woolf, AD., Wulf, S., Yeh, P-H., Yip, P., Zabetian, A., Zheng, Z-J., Lopez, AD., Murray, CJL., AlMazroa, MA. and Memish, ZA., 2012. Global and regional mortality from 235 causes of death for 20 age groups in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet, v. 380
  • Vos, T., Flaxman, AD., Naghavi, M., Lozano, R., Michaud, C., Ezzati, M., Shibuya, K., Salomon, JA., Abdalla, S., Aboyans, V., Abraham, J., Ackerman, I., Aggarwal, R., Ahn, SY., Ali, MK., Alvarado, M., Anderson, HR., Anderson, LM., Andrews, KG., Atkinson, C., Baddour, LM., Bahalim, AN., Barker-Collo, S., Barrero, LH., Bartels, DH., Basáñez, M-G., Baxter, A., Bell, ML., Benjamin, EJ., Bennett, D., Bernabé, E., Bhalla, K., Bhandari, B., Bikbov, B., Bin Abdulhak, A., Birbeck, G., Black, JA., Blencowe, H., Blore, JD., Blyth, F., Bolliger, I., Bonaventure, A., Boufous, S., Bourne, R., Boussinesq, M., Braithwaite, T., Brayne, C., Bridgett, L., Brooker, S., Brooks, P., Brugha, TS., Bryan-Hancock, C., Bucello, C., Buchbinder, R., Buckle, G., Budke, CM., Burch, M., Burney, P., Burstein, R., Calabria, B., Campbell, B., Canter, CE., Carabin, H., Carapetis, J., Carmona, L., Cella, C., Charlson, F., Chen, H., Cheng, AT-A., Chou, D., Chugh, SS., Coffeng, LE., Colan, SD., Colquhoun, S., Colson, KE., Condon, J., Connor, MD., Cooper, LT., Corriere, M., Cortinovis, M., de Vaccaro, KC., Couser, W., Cowie, BC., Criqui, MH., Cross, M., Dabhadkar, KC., Dahiya, M., Dahodwala, N., Damsere-Derry, J., Danaei, G., Davis, A., De Leo, D., Degenhardt, L., Dellavalle, R., Delossantos, A., Denenberg, J., Derrett, S., Des Jarlais, DC., Dharmaratne, SD., Dherani, M., Diaz-Torne, C., Dolk, H., Dorsey, ER., Driscoll, T., Duber, H., Ebel, B., Edmond, K., Elbaz, A., Ali, SE., Erskine, H., Erwin, PJ., Espindola, P., Ewoigbokhan, SE., Farzadfar, F., Feigin, V., Felson, DT., Ferrari, A., Ferri, CP., Fèvre, EM., Finucane, MM., Flaxman, S., Flood, L., Foreman, K., Forouzanfar, MH., Fowkes, FGR., Franklin, R., Fransen, M., Freeman, MK., Gabbe, BJ., Gabriel, SE., Gakidou, E., Ganatra, HA., Garcia, B., Gaspari, F., Gillum, RF., Gmel, G., Gosselin, R., Grainger, R., Groeger, J., Guillemin, F., Gunnell, D., Gupta, R., Haagsma, J., Hagan, H., Halasa, YA., Hall, W., Haring, D., Haro, JM., Harrison, JE., Havmoeller, R., Hay, RJ., Higashi, H., Hill, C., Hoen, B., Hoffman, H., Hotez, PJ., Hoy, D., Huang, JJ., Ibeanusi, SE., Jacobsen, KH., James, SL., Jarvis, D., Jasrasaria, R., Jayaraman, S., Johns, N., Jonas, JB., Karthikeyan, G., Kassebaum, N., Kawakami, N., Keren, A., Khoo, J-P., King, CH., Knowlton, LM., Kobusingye, O., Koranteng, A., Krishnamurthi, R., Lalloo, R., Laslett, LL., Lathlean, T., Leasher, JL., Lee, YY., Leigh, J., Lim, SS., Limb, E., Lin, JK., Lipnick, M., Lipshultz, SE., Liu, W., Loane, M., Ohno, SL., Lyons, R., Ma, J., Mabweijano, J., MacIntyre, MF., Malekzadeh, R., Mallinger, L., Manivannan, S., Marcenes, W., March, L., Margolis, DJ., Marks, GB., Marks, R., Matsumori, A., Matzopoulos, R., Mayosi, BM., McAnulty, JH., McDermott, MM., McGill, N., McGrath, J., Medina-Mora, ME., Meltzer, M., Mensah, GA., Merriman, TR., Meyer, A-C., Miglioli, V., Miller, M., Miller, TR., Mitchell, PB., Mocumbi, AO., Moffitt, TE., Mokdad, AA., Monasta, L., Montico, M., Moradi-Lakeh, M., Moran, A., Morawska, L., Mori, R., Murdoch, ME., Mwaniki, MK., Naidoo, K., Nair, MN., Naldi, L., Narayan, KMV., Nelson, PK., Nelson, RG., Nevitt, MC., Newton, CR., Nolte, S., Norman, P., Norman, R., O'Donnell, M., O'Hanlon, S., Olives, C., Omer, SB., Ortblad, K., Osborne, R., Ozgediz, D., Page, A., Pahari, B., Pandian, JD., Rivero, AP., Patten, SB., Pearce, N., Padilla, RP., Perez-Ruiz, F., Perico, N., Pesudovs, K., Phillips, D., Phillips, MR., Pierce, K., Pion, S., Polanczyk, GV., Polinder, S., Pope, CA., Popova, S., Porrini, E., Pourmalek, F., Prince, M., Pullan, RL., Ramaiah, KD., Ranganathan, D., Razavi, H., Regan, M., Rehm, JT., Rein, DB., Remuzzi, G., Richardson, K., Rivara, FP., Roberts, T., Robinson, C., De Leòn, FR., Ronfani, L., Room, R., Rosenfeld, LC., Rushton, L., Sacco, RL., Saha, S., Sampson, U., Sanchez-Riera, L., Sanman, E., Schwebel, DC., Scott, JG., Segui-Gomez, M., Shahraz, S., Shepard, DS., Shin, H., Shivakoti, R., Singh, D., Singh, GM., Singh, JA., Singleton, J., Sleet, DA., Sliwa, K., Smith, E., Smith, JL., Stapelberg, NJC., Steer, A., Steiner, T., Stolk, WA., Stovner, LJ., Sudfeld, C., Syed, S., Tamburlini, G., Tavakkoli, M., Taylor, HR., Taylor, JA., Taylor, WJ., Thomas, B., Thomson, WM., Thurston, GD., Tleyjeh, IM., Tonelli, M., Towbin, JA., Truelsen, T., Tsilimbaris, MK., Ubeda, C., Undurraga, EA., van der Werf, MJ., van Os, J., Vavilala, MS., Venketasubramanian, N., Wang, M., Wang, W., Watt, K., Weatherall, DJ., Weinstock, MA., Weintraub, R., Weisskopf, MG., Weissman, MM., White, RA., Whiteford, H., Wiersma, ST., Wilkinson, JD., Williams, HC., Williams, SRM., Witt, E., Wolfe, F., Woolf, AD., Wulf, S., Yeh, P-H., Zaidi, AKM., Zheng, Z-J., Zonies, D., Lopez, AD., Murray, CJL., AlMazroa, MA. and Memish, ZA., 2012. Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet, v. 380
    Doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61729-2
  • Murray, CJL., Vos, T., Lozano, R., Naghavi, M., Flaxman, AD., Michaud, C., Ezzati, M., Shibuya, K., Salomon, JA., Abdalla, S., Aboyans, V., Abraham, J., Ackerman, I., Aggarwal, R., Ahn, SY., Ali, MK., Alvarado, M., Anderson, HR., Anderson, LM., Andrews, KG., Atkinson, C., Baddour, LM., Bahalim, AN., Barker-Collo, S., Barrero, LH., Bartels, DH., Basáñez, M-G., Baxter, A., Bell, ML., Benjamin, EJ., Bennett, D., Bernabé, E., Bhalla, K., Bhandari, B., Bikbov, B., Bin Abdulhak, A., Birbeck, G., Black, JA., Blencowe, H., Blore, JD., Blyth, F., Bolliger, I., Bonaventure, A., Boufous, S., Bourne, R., Boussinesq, M., Braithwaite, T., Brayne, C., Bridgett, L., Brooker, S., Brooks, P., Brugha, TS., Bryan-Hancock, C., Bucello, C., Buchbinder, R., Buckle, G., Budke, CM., Burch, M., Burney, P., Burstein, R., Calabria, B., Campbell, B., Canter, CE., Carabin, H., Carapetis, J., Carmona, L., Cella, C., Charlson, F., Chen, H., Cheng, AT-A., Chou, D., Chugh, SS., Coffeng, LE., Colan, SD., Colquhoun, S., Colson, KE., Condon, J., Connor, MD., Cooper, LT., Corriere, M., Cortinovis, M., de Vaccaro, KC., Couser, W., Cowie, BC., Criqui, MH., Cross, M., Dabhadkar, KC., Dahiya, M., Dahodwala, N., Damsere-Derry, J., Danaei, G., Davis, A., De Leo, D., Degenhardt, L., Dellavalle, R., Delossantos, A., Denenberg, J., Derrett, S., Des Jarlais, DC., Dharmaratne, SD., Dherani, M., Diaz-Torne, C., Dolk, H., Dorsey, ER., Driscoll, T., Duber, H., Ebel, B., Edmond, K., Elbaz, A., Ali, SE., Erskine, H., Erwin, PJ., Espindola, P., Ewoigbokhan, SE., Farzadfar, F., Feigin, V., Felson, DT., Ferrari, A., Ferri, CP., Fèvre, EM., Finucane, MM., Flaxman, S., Flood, L., Foreman, K., Forouzanfar, MH., Fowkes, FGR., Fransen, M., Freeman, MK., Gabbe, BJ., Gabriel, SE., Gakidou, E., Ganatra, HA., Garcia, B., Gaspari, F., Gillum, RF., Gmel, G., Gonzalez-Medina, D., Gosselin, R., Grainger, R., Grant, B., Groeger, J., Guillemin, F., Gunnell, D., Gupta, R., Haagsma, J., Hagan, H., Halasa, YA., Hall, W., Haring, D., Haro, JM., Harrison, JE., Havmoeller, R., Hay, RJ., Higashi, H., Hill, C., Hoen, B., Hoffman, H., Hotez, PJ., Hoy, D., Huang, JJ., Ibeanusi, SE., Jacobsen, KH., James, SL., Jarvis, D., Jasrasaria, R., Jayaraman, S., Johns, N., Jonas, JB., Karthikeyan, G., Kassebaum, N., Kawakami, N., Keren, A., Khoo, J-P., King, CH., Knowlton, LM., Kobusingye, O., Koranteng, A., Krishnamurthi, R., Laden, F., Lalloo, R., Laslett, LL., Lathlean, T., Leasher, JL., Lee, YY., Leigh, J., Levinson, D., Lim, SS., Limb, E., Lin, JK., Lipnick, M., Lipshultz, SE., Liu, W., Loane, M., Ohno, SL., Lyons, R., Mabweijano, J., MacIntyre, MF., Malekzadeh, R., Mallinger, L., Manivannan, S., Marcenes, W., March, L., Margolis, DJ., Marks, GB., Marks, R., Matsumori, A., Matzopoulos, R., Mayosi, BM., McAnulty, JH., McDermott, MM., McGill, N., McGrath, J., Medina-Mora, ME., Meltzer, M., Mensah, GA., Merriman, TR., Meyer, A-C., Miglioli, V., Miller, M., Miller, TR., Mitchell, PB., Mock, C., Mocumbi, AO., Moffitt, TE., Mokdad, AA., Monasta, L., Montico, M., Moradi-Lakeh, M., Moran, A., Morawska, L., Mori, R., Murdoch, ME., Mwaniki, MK., Naidoo, K., Nair, MN., Naldi, L., Narayan, KMV., Nelson, PK., Nelson, RG., Nevitt, MC., Newton, CR., Nolte, S., Norman, P., Norman, R., O'Donnell, M., O'Hanlon, S., Olives, C., Omer, SB., Ortblad, K., Osborne, R., Ozgediz, D., Page, A., Pahari, B., Pandian, JD., Rivero, AP., Patten, SB., Pearce, N., Padilla, RP., Perez-Ruiz, F., Perico, N., Pesudovs, K., Phillips, D., Phillips, MR., Pierce, K., Pion, S., Polanczyk, GV., Polinder, S., Pope, CA., Popova, S., Porrini, E., Pourmalek, F., Prince, M., Pullan, RL., Ramaiah, KD., Ranganathan, D., Razavi, H., Regan, M., Rehm, JT., Rein, DB., Remuzzi, G., Richardson, K., Rivara, FP., Roberts, T., Robinson, C., De Leòn, FR., Ronfani, L., Room, R., Rosenfeld, LC., Rushton, L., Sacco, RL., Saha, S., Sampson, U., Sanchez-Riera, L., Sanman, E., Schwebel, DC., Scott, JG., Segui-Gomez, M., Shahraz, S., Shepard, DS., Shin, H., Shivakoti, R., Singh, D., Singh, GM., Singh, JA., Singleton, J., Sleet, DA., Sliwa, K., Smith, E., Smith, JL., Stapelberg, NJC., Steer, A., Steiner, T., Stolk, WA., Stovner, LJ., Sudfeld, C., Syed, S., Tamburlini, G., Tavakkoli, M., Taylor, HR., Taylor, JA., Taylor, WJ., Thomas, B., Thomson, WM., Thurston, GD., Tleyjeh, IM., Tonelli, M., Towbin, JA., Truelsen, T., Tsilimbaris, MK., Ubeda, C., Undurraga, EA., van der Werf, MJ., van Os, J., Vavilala, MS., Venketasubramanian, N., Wang, M., Wang, W., Watt, K., Weatherall, DJ., Weinstock, MA., Weintraub, R., Weisskopf, MG., Weissman, MM., White, RA., Whiteford, H., Wiebe, N., Wiersma, ST., Wilkinson, JD., Williams, HC., Williams, SRM., Witt, E., Wolfe, F., Woolf, AD., Wulf, S., Yeh, P-H., Zaidi, AKM., Zheng, Z-J., Zonies, D., Lopez, AD., AlMazroa, MA. and Memish, ZA., 2012. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet, v. 380
    Doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61689-4
  • Theses / dissertations

    2020 (No publication date)

  • Alvarado, M., 2020 (No publication date). Evaluating the Barbados SSB tax: a mixed-method natural experimental study
  • Conference proceedings


  • Alvarado, M., Penney, T. and Adams, J., 2019. OP113 Seeking causal explanations in policy evaluation: an assessment of applying process tracing to the barbados sugar-sweetened beverage tax evaluation Oral Presentations,
    Doi: 10.1136/jech-2019-ssmabstracts.112