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Cambridge Public Health



GKIOULEKA, A., WONG, G., SOWDEN, S., BAMBRA C, SIERSBAEK R, MANJI S, MOSELEY A, HARMSTON R, KUHN I, FORD J. (2023) Reducing health inequalities through general practice, The Lancet Public Health, Volume 8, Issue 6

RITCHIE, I., FORD, J., KELLY, M., CAPPER, B. (2022) Policy brief: Rethinking health for all: a new vision for sustainable and achievable progress, Cambridge: Cambridge Public Health.

DAVEY, F., MCGOWAN, V., BIRCH, J., KHUN, I., LAHIRI, A., GKIOULEKA, A., ARORA, A., SOWDEN, S.,  BAMBRA, C., FORD, J. (2022) Levelling up health: A practical, evidence-based framework for reducing health inequalities, Public Health in Practice.

HOLDROYD I, VODDEN A, SRINIVASAN A, KUHN I, BAMBRA C, FORD J Systematic review of the effectiveness of the health inequalities strategy in England between 1999 and 2010, BMJ Open 2022;12:e063137. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063137.

LITTLEJOHNS, P., KHATUN, T., KNIGHT, A., HUNTER, D.J., MARKHAM, S., COULTAS, C., KELLY, M.P., AHUJA, S. (2022) Lessons from the demise of Public Health England: where next for UK public health? NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South London.

KELLY, M.P., AQUINO, M.R.J., ARORA, A.,  BANERJEE, A., BIRCH, J.M, CAPPER, B., EKEKE, N., KUHN, I., BRAYNE, C, FORD, J. (2022) Review of the contribution that behavioural science has made/can make to addressing the social and wider determinants of health. Geneva: World Health Organisation. In press.

FORD, J., EKEKE, N., LAHIRI, A., KELLY, M.P.  (2021) Making the case for prevention, A commissioned report by Cambridge Public Health, University of Cambridge, for the Health Foundation.  

KELLY, M.P., RUSSO, F. (2021) The epistemic values at the basis of epidemiology and public health, Mefisto, 5(1): 105-120.



KELLY, M.P., LITTLEJOHNS, P., MARKHAM, S. (2022) Evidence – was it really used in the Covid-19 pandemic? A key issue for the Covid-19 inquiry to address.

KELLY, M.P. (2021) The relation between the social and the biological and COVID-19 Public Health; 196: 18-23.

GOFFE, L., ANTONOPOULOU, V., MEYER, C.J., GRAHAM, F., TANG, M.Y., LECOUTURIER, J., GRIMANI, A., BAMBRA, C., KELLY, M.P., SNIEHOTTA, F.F. (2021) Factors associated with vaccine intention in adults living in England who either did not want or had not yet decided to be vaccinated against COVID-19, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, Volume 17 Issue 12. 5242-5254.


Mental health

KELLY, M.P., BRAYNE, C., KINMONTH, A-L., KRIZNIK, N., FORD, J., FLETCHER, P.C. (2021) Inequalities in mental health: predictive processing and social life, Current Opinion in Psychiatry; 34(2)171-6.  



BIRCH, J., JONES, R.A., MUELLER, J., McDONALD, M.D., RICHARDS, R.,  KELLY, M.P. , GRIFFIN, S.J., AHERN, A.L. (2022) A systematic review of inequalities in the uptake of, adherence to, and effectiveness of behavioural weight management interventions in adults, Obesity Reviews, 2022; 23:e13438.  

BLUE, S., SHOVE, E., KELLY, M.P., (2021) Obese Societies: Reconceptualising the Challenge for Public Health, Sociology of Health and Illness; 43:1051-1067.


Policy evaluation

NIGHTINGALE, G.F., WILLIAMS, A.J., HUNTER, R.F., WOODCOCK, J., TURNER, K.,  CLELAND, C.L., BAKER, G., KELLY, M., COPE, A., KEE, F., MILTON, K., FOSTER, C., JEPSON, R., KELLY, P. (2021) Evaluating the citywide Edinburgh 20mph speed limit intervention effects on traffic speed and volume: A pre-post observational evaluation, PLOS ONE.

MILTON, K., TURNER, K., BAKER, G., CLELAND, C.L., FOSTER, C., HUNTER, R.F., JEPSON, R., KEE, F., KELLY, P., KELLY, M.P. (2022) The process of transport and public health policy change: 20mph speed restrictions in Edinburgh and Belfast, Case Studies on Transport Policy. Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2022

HUNTER, R , CLELAND, C.L., BUSBY, J., NIGHTINGALE, G., KEE, F., WILLIAMS, A.J., KELLY, P., KELLY, M.P., MILTON, K., KOKKA, K., JEPSON, R. (2022)  Investigating the impact of a 20mph speed limit intervention on road traffic collisions, casualties, speed and volume in Belfast, United Kingdom: 3 year follow-up outcomes of a natural experiment, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Volume 77, Issue 1.

JEPSON, R., BAKER, G.,  CLELAND, C., COPE, A.,  CRAIG, N., FOSTER, C., HUNTER, R., KEE, F., KELLY, M.P., KELLY, P., MILTON, K., NIGHTINGALE, G., TURNER, K.,  WILLIAMS, A.J., WOODCOCK, J. (2022)  Developing and implementing 20-mph speed limits in Edinburgh and Belfast: mixed-methods study. Public Health Res 2022;10(9).

GOODWIN, M., EMSLEY, R., KELLY, M.P., SUTTON, M., TICKLE, M., WALSH, T., WHITTAKER, W., PRETTY, I.A. (2022)   Evaluation of water fluoridation scheme in Cumbria: the CATFISH prospective longitudinal cohort study   NIHR Final Report, Public Health Research Volume: 10, Issue:11. 

Health Inequalities team

For more information about the research pillar please email Professor Mike Kelly


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Policy brief: Evidence supporting a cross-government strategy to address health inequalities

Blog: Moving beyond the health inequalities rhetoric



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