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Cambridge Public Health


This page provides information about selected funding opportunities. Click here for information about funding organisations in the UK with more comprehensive listings of opportunities.

Opening soon: 

Organisation Details Date
UKRI UKRI Creating opportunities: rethinking economic (in)activity.
Apply for funding to identify ways of supporting economic activity in places experiencing high rates of ill-health, disability, and informal care in the UK. The maximum award for this grant is £1.2m

Opens: 3 Feb 2025 

Deadline: 6 May 2025


Public Health Research Programme - future topics
The NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is considering the following topics for future commissioned research: Serious violence, Advice services, Children and young people's mental health, loneliness in the community, Coastal communities, Transport poverty, Green space and natural environments, Mid-life interventions to support healthy ageing

Opens: Spring 2025 (Possibly 18 March)


Calls added in October/November: 

Organisation Details Date

Climate and Health Award: Advancing climate mitigation solutions with health co-benefits in low- and middle-income countries.
This funding call will generate a body of evidence on the health effects of climate change mitigation interventions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This call builds on Wellcome’s previous funding, Advancing climate mitigation policy solutions with health co-benefits in G7 countries. This award will fund transdisciplinary research teams, led by an applicant at an LMIC-based organisation.

Funder deadline: 18 February 2025
NIHR Research for Patient Benefit - Competition 56
The NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) programme is inviting stage 1 applications for research proposals that are concerned with the day-to-day practice of health service staff, and that have the potential to have an impact on the health or wellbeing of patients and users of the NHS.
Funder deadline: 5 March 2025
Cancer Research UK Early Detection and Diagnosis Primer Award
The award of up to £100k aims to encourage scientists at all career stages to engage with the early detection and diagnosis of cancer field. It will support new and exploratory research ideas and/or pilot studies of high scientific risk and potential reward
Funder deadline: 27 March 2025

Increasing uptake of vaccinations in populations where there is low uptake
The NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is looking to fund research which evaluates population level interventions delivered in non-NHS settings, which impact the uptake of existing vaccinations already available through a UK vaccination programme.

Funder deadline: 25 April 2025


Interventions to deliver inclusive economies
The NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is looking to fund research which evaluates the health inequality impacts of interventions intended to deliver inclusive economies at local or regional authority level. 

Funder deadline: 25 April 2025
NIHR Healthy Homes
The NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is looking to fund research which evaluates the effectiveness of strategies to reduce the negative health impacts of poor quality housing. 
Funder deadline: 25 April 2025


Calls added in September: 

Organisation Details Date

Climate and Mental Health Award: Uncovering mechanisms between heat and mental health
This award, of between £1-3 million per project, will fund projects to advance our understanding of the biological, psychological and/or social mechanisms through which heat affects anxiety, depression and psychosis in the most impacted groups globally. 

Funder deadline: 21 Jan 2025

Parkinson's UK Research Conference Awards
Funding is available for Cambridge based researchers to attend conferences that support their professional development into the causes and amelioration of Parkinson’s Disease.
Applications are currently open


Calls added in July: 

Organisation Details Date

Public Health Research Programme Rapid Funding Scheme
The RFS has been set up to provide the public health research community with an accelerated route to funding for small-scale, short and time sensitive proposals that demonstrate a need for a rapid commissioning process to be followed.

Closes: 27 December 2024


Calls added in May

Organisation Details Date
MRC Artificial intelligence, engineering biology and quantum technologies
This funding is for the application of artificial intelligence (AI), engineering biology, and quantum technologies in biomedical research and development. You should apply through the relevant MRC funding opportunity that is most appropriate for your science area and career stage.
Highlight period: This highlight notice will be open from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. Applications submitted in this window will be considered for this highlight opportunity. For individual application closing dates refer to the relevant MRC funding opportunity.
Closing date: 31 March 2025 4:00pm UK time

Calls added in previous months (still within deadlines)

Organisation Details Date
UKRI MRC partnership responsive mode
Apply for funding to support new partnerships between diverse groups of researchers within the remit of Medical Research Council (MRC). You must be a researcher employed by a research organisation eligible to apply for MRC funding. The grant will allow you to:
  • establish new, high-value collaborative activities or capabilities
  • add value to high-quality scientific programmes that are already supported by grants from MRC and other funders
There are three deadlines a year

MRC Career Development Award
Apply for support to become an independent researcher in a medical research field. Your research can focus on any area of Medical Research Council (MRC)’s remit to improve human health. You must:

  • have a PhD or equivalent
  • show evidence of career progression
  • show clear plans for developing as a leader in your area of research
Call closes every April and September.

Public Health Research Programme Rapid Funding Scheme
The Rapid Funding Scheme (RFS) offers researchers the opportunity to apply for funds to conduct rapid baseline data collection, as well as other feasibility work, prior to intervention implementation, for unique, time-limited opportunities such as a natural experiment or similar evaluations of a new public health intervention.

This scheme is not intended to fund studies which provide definitive answers to questions to inform service provision – it is to prepare for such studies.

Closes: 27 December 2024


 Ongoing calls:




UKRI Research England Development (RED) Fund
The RED Fund supports projects that aid the development and interaction of the UK’s higher education research and knowledge exchange (KE) activity in line with Government and UKRI priorities. The aim of the RED fund is to drive innovation in research and KE in higher education.
Deadline: none.
BBSRC BBSRC standard research grant
Funding can support a range of activities from research projects to technology development, new infrastructure and equipment, use of equipment and facilities, networks, and summer schools.
Open - no closing date

LifeArc Philanthropic Fund

The LifeArc Philanthropic Fund is a multi-million pound grant fund to support translational medical research projects to develop treatments and diagnostics for rare diseases. Projects should be underpinned with a strong, scientific rationale in addressing a rare disease medical need and must be target driven, with a credible delivery plan and led by an academic.

If you have a project focused on research into therapeutics, diagnostics or devices that could support people living with a rare disease, please get in touch by completing this form.
Further details can be found here



Standard research grants (EPSRC)
Standard research is for unsolicited research proposals submitted by anyone eligible to apply to EPSRC for funding. They can be submitted at any time and in any field of research relevant to EPSRC’s remit. 

We encourage research collaborations with business and the public sector, particularly where they can help research advances and the take up of results.


Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

NERC urgency funding

Apply for funding to respond quickly to transient and unexpected scientific opportunities. You can only apply for urgency funding if there is an unexpected event you need urgent data on. These may be events affecting the environment created by the occurrence of sporadic natural events such as: earthquakes, droughts, floods, ephemeral events in ecosystems. The aim of this grant is to help you collect valuable data at the start of the event before other events and actions affect the data collection.


EPSRC  EPSRC network grant: Nov 2023: responsive mode
Engineering and Physical sciences Research Council (EPSRC) will support costs of building interdisciplinary research communities. Network grants aim to develop new interdisciplinary research communities and topics by supporting interaction between researchers and relevant science, technology and industrial groups.
Open - no closing date