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Cambridge Public Health


This page provides information about selected funding opportunities. Click here for information about funding organisations in the UK with more comprehensive listings of opportunities.

New calls: 

Organisation Details Date

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting applications to their commissioned workstream for the following topics:

24/51 Liver Disease (PHR Programme)

24/26 Climate change and health

24/23 NIHR NICE rolling call (PHR Programme)

24/24 NIHR James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships rolling call (PHR Programme)

24/33 PHR Programme researcher-led

24/25 Continuing areas of research interest to the PHR Programme

24/31 Increasing uptake of vaccinations in populations where there is low uptake

24/32 Application Development Award (ADA): Digital Health Inclusion and Inequalities

24/27 Interventions to deliver inclusive economies

4/28 Parenting Interventions

24/29 The health of children and young people in contact with the criminal justice system

24/30 Developer contributions

Closing date: 9 August 2024, 1 pm

24/20 NIHR Application Development Award for Health and Care Professionals

Closing date: 26 September 2024, 1pm

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting applications to their commissioned workstream for the following topics:

24/78 Ultra-processed foods

24/59 Behavioural overweight and obesity management interventions that include long term support in achieving and maintaining weight loss in children and young people

24/60 Unmanageable debt

24/61 Healthy Homes: Overcrowding

24/62 Active Travel facilitators and barriers within different populations

24/63 Workforce health

24/64 Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Teams (PHIRST) - Process and outcomes evaluation

Closing date: 13 December 2024 1 pm

Public Health Research Programme Rapid Funding Scheme
The RFS has been set up to provide the public health research community with an accelerated route to funding for small-scale, short and time sensitive proposals that demonstrate a need for a rapid commissioning process to be followed.

Closes: 27 December 2024



Calls added in June:

Organisation   Details Date
Trinity College Cambridge Junior research fellowships
These enable researchers to pursue research in Cambridge on a topic of their choice for up to four years with no further duties. Fellowships are available in all branches of university studies.
Trinity Junior Research (‘Title A’) Fellowships are aimed at you if you are at the beginning of your academic career. In most cases, the fellowship will be your first substantial, paid academic teaching or research post. If you are from the UK, you will usually be at the end of your third or fourth (or, more rarely, second) year of PhD work.

Dept deadline: 21 August 2024

Funder deadline: 29 August 2024

UKRI BBSRC New investigator award: 2024 round three: responsive mode

This scheme supports excellent new investigator-led research across the breadth of Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) scientific remit. Funding is available for:

  • research projects, including data intensive and technology development projects;
  • equipment or use of existing facilities;
  • community resources, new facilities or infrastructure;
  • research networks and coordination;
  • summer schools.

Applicants may apply to undertake biotechnology or biological research in plants, microbes, animals and humans, tools and technology underpinning biological research.

Dept deadline: 11 September 2024

ROO deadline: 18 September 2024

Funder deadline: 25 September 2024

Wellcome Trust

Wellcome Trust Early-career awards 
This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme.
Your research can be in any discipline – including science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), experimental medicine, humanities and social science, clinical/allied health sciences, and public health – as long as it has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing, and aligns with our funding remit.

Dept deadline: 17 September 2024

ROO deadline: 24 September 2024

Funder deadline: 1 October 2024

British Academy

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024-25
The British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship is a three-year fellowship for outstanding early career researchers in the humanities and social sciences. The scheme aims to help develop the award holder’s curriculum vitae and boost their prospects of obtaining a permanent university post. The primary emphasis is on the completion of a significant piece of publishable research, and the integration of the award holder into the community of established scholars within their field. Fellowships are tenable in all fields within the humanities and social sciences. This is a highly competitive scheme and success rates are typically no more than 10%.
As with last year, the University will not be conducting an internal central selection process, Departments are requested to identify and prioritise the strongest applications to ensure only high-quality proposals are put forward to the funder.

The School Research Facilitators will also run an online information session for applicants on 25 July at 2pm. Please encourage potential applicants to register via this link. The Research Facilitators will offer feedback on the first 15 complete applications that they receive before 02 September. Applicants requesting feedback need to have confirmed support from their host Department/Faculties.
Departments are asked to follow Small Applications Processes for this scheme, regardless the value of the proposal (NB: this still includes submitting an ‘outline X5 costing’). Please note that departments are expected to notify ROO of an intention to submit any grant applications with a minimum of four weeks’ notice – ROO colleagues will find this early notification incredibly helpful for this scheme.
If you have any questions, please contact us at

deadline for submissions
02 October 2024
  BBSRC IAA Impact Project Call 2024
The BBSRC IAA Impact Project call 2024 is now open to support knowledge exchange and early-stage impact projects to progress research outputs and outcomes to the point at which further translational funding can be sought.
To apply, visit the BBSRC IAA Sharepoint for guidance, application forms and terms and conditions.
We strongly encourage contacting Dr Carmen Fernandez-Posada and Dr Lauren Maggs ( to discuss your idea in advance so we can provide tailored support and advice to maximise the strength of your application. Please also contact us if you have a potential project which does not fit the timescale or budget for this call, as there may be future funding opportunities.

Call closes: 11 October 2024 at 16:00

The Royal Society

Dorothy Hodgkin fellowships

This scheme offers a recognised first step into an independent research career for outstanding postdoctoral scientists who require a flexible working pattern due to personal circumstances, such as caring responsibilities and/or health-related conditions. Research may address all areas of natural sciences, including biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics, but excluding clinical medicine. This scheme offers successful applicants:

  • the opportunity to build your independent research career
  • freedom, time and long term flexible support to pursue high quality and innovative lines of scientific research
  • flexibility to accommodate personal circumstances such as caring responsibilities or health-related needs
  • support to develop as a research leader through tailored, high quality professional development, networking and engagement opportunities

Dept deadline: 15 October 2024

ROO deadline: 22 October 2024

Funder deadline: 29 October 2024


Pre-announcement: Core research challenges in digital twinning for crisis resilience

Apply to lead an interdisciplinary research programme in digital twinning focused on improving government crisis response and resilience.
The programme must:

  • address identified digital twinning research challenges
  • develop a proof-of-concept digital twin for crisis response and resilience with relevance to all transport essential services, and their interface with other interconnected critical national infrastructure sectors
  • be delivered in close collaboration with key UK policy stakeholders

Opening June 2024

Deadline: TBC


Calls added in May

Organisation Details Date
Wellcome Trust Wellcome Trust Discovery awards
This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. Your research can be in any discipline – including science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), experimental medicine, humanities and social science, clinical/allied health sciences, and public health – if it has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing, and aligns with our funding remit.
The research can be in a single discipline or multidisciplinary.
Application deadline: 30 July 2024, 17:00 BST
UKRI Innovate UK Smart grants: April 2024
UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £25 million for game-changing and commercially viable research and development (R&D) innovations that can significantly impact the UK economy. Proposals must be business focused, and show deliverable, realistic, adequately resourced plans to achieve return on investment, growth and market share following project completion. Applications can come from any area of technology and be applied to any part of the economy.
Dept deadline: 10 July 2024
ROO deadline:  17 July 2024
Funder deadline: 24 July 2024
UKRI Pre-announcement: Design Accelerators round three
Apply for funding to undertake design-led solutions to address the climate crisis or net zero goals. Funding will be provided to support engagement activities with local communities, public and third sector organisations. Design Accelerators connect directly with the wider Future Observatory: Design the Green Transition Programme. The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be between £35,000 and £65,000. AHRC will fund 80% of the FEC.
Opening date: 1 July 2024
Closing date: 3 October 2024
MRC Artificial intelligence, engineering biology and quantum technologies
This funding is for the application of artificial intelligence (AI), engineering biology, and quantum technologies in biomedical research and development. You should apply through the relevant MRC funding opportunity that is most appropriate for your science area and career stage.
Highlight period: This highlight notice will be open from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. Applications submitted in this window will be considered for this highlight opportunity. For individual application closing dates refer to the relevant MRC funding opportunity.
Closing date: 31 March 2025 4:00pm UK time

Calls added in previous months

Organisation Details Date
UKRI MRC partnership responsive mode
Apply for funding to support new partnerships between diverse groups of researchers within the remit of Medical Research Council (MRC). You must be a researcher employed by a research organisation eligible to apply for MRC funding. The grant will allow you to:
  • establish new, high-value collaborative activities or capabilities
  • add value to high-quality scientific programmes that are already supported by grants from MRC and other funders
There are three deadlines a year
Wellcome Trust  Wellcome Trust Early Career Award
This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme.
Three times a year - Upcoming deadlines October 2024
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

Pushing the frontiers of environmental research

Apply for funding to pursue an ambitious, high risk and high reward project in environmental research. We welcome:

  • multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research
  • projects delivered in partnership with other research funders and users
Closing date: 17 July 2024 4:00pm UK time

24/13 Digital technology enabled interventions in Social Care
The aim of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme is to ensure that high quality research information on the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and broader impact of healthcare treatments and tests are produced in the most efficient way for those who plan, provide or receive care from NHS and social care services.

deadline: 13:00 on 24 July 2024

24/28 Parenting Interventions
The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this topic.
Research question:

  • How do interventions which affect access, engagement and retention of disadvantaged parents in parenting interventions impact health and health inequalities?


Stage one deadline: 1pm on 9 August 2024


24/29 The health of children and young people in contact with the criminal justice system
The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this topic.
Research question:

  • What interventions have an impact on the physical or mental health of children and young people in contact with the criminal justice system?

Stage one deadline: 1pm on 9 August 2024


Pre-announcement: Technologies to enable independence for people living with dementia
Apply for funding to develop a Network Plus focused on the development and use of novel tools and technologies to enable people to live independently with dementia, including their carers.

We are looking to build capacity and bring together new communities across engineering and physical sciences and health and care, to tackle challenges in dementia research.

Closing: 10 September 2024 4:00pm UK time

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Accelerating research outcomes to deliver a prosperous net zero: outline
Apply for follow-on funding to build on existing engineering and physical sciences research outputs to accelerate economic, societal, policy and environmental benefits. The proposed benefits must contribute to delivering Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)’s Engineering Net Zero (ENZ) priority.

Outline closing date: 16 May 2024 4:00pm

Full stage opening: 16 July 2024 9:00am

Full stage closing: 24 September 2024 4:00pm

The Royal Society

Pre-announcement – Royal Society Faraday Discovery Fellowships
Large Up to £8M over a ten-year period, investigator-led grants awarded to a single Principal Investigator (PI) to enable them to establish an outstanding team of researchers to address challenging research questions.

The programme will provide the most talented mid-career researchers with the time and freedom to focus on their research, providing long-term, stable funding to allow them to tackle difficult and intractable problems.

Opens: 14th August 2024

Funder deadline: 2nd October 2024


MRC Career Development Award
Apply for support to become an independent researcher in a medical research field. Your research can focus on any area of Medical Research Council (MRC)’s remit to improve human health. You must:

  • have a PhD or equivalent
  • show evidence of career progression
  • show clear plans for developing as a leader in your area of research
Call closes every April and September.

Public Health Research Programme Rapid Funding Scheme
The Rapid Funding Scheme (RFS) offers researchers the opportunity to apply for funds to conduct rapid baseline data collection, as well as other feasibility work, prior to intervention implementation, for unique, time-limited opportunities such as a natural experiment or similar evaluations of a new public health intervention.

This scheme is not intended to fund studies which provide definitive answers to questions to inform service provision – it is to prepare for such studies.

Closes: 27 December 2024
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Pre-announcement: Health Technologies Connectivity Awards
Apply for funding to spend time in a different research or user environment to build new connections within health technologies. Novel Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS) research contributing to the delivery of the Health Technologies Strategy must comprise a proportion of the placement.

Opening date: May 2024

Webinar: TBC

Closing date: TBC


 Ongoing calls:




BBSRC BBSRC standard research grant
Funding can support a range of activities from research projects to technology development, new infrastructure and equipment, use of equipment and facilities, networks, and summer schools.
Open - no closing date

LifeArc Philanthropic Fund

The LifeArc Philanthropic Fund is a multi-million pound grant fund to support translational medical research projects to develop treatments and diagnostics for rare diseases. Projects should be underpinned with a strong, scientific rationale in addressing a rare disease medical need and must be target driven, with a credible delivery plan and led by an academic.

If you have a project focused on research into therapeutics, diagnostics or devices that could support people living with a rare disease, please get in touch by completing this form.
Further details can be found here



Standard research grants (EPSRC)
Standard research is for unsolicited research proposals submitted by anyone eligible to apply to EPSRC for funding. They can be submitted at any time and in any field of research relevant to EPSRC’s remit. 

We encourage research collaborations with business and the public sector, particularly where they can help research advances and the take up of results.


Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

NERC urgency funding

Apply for funding to respond quickly to transient and unexpected scientific opportunities. You can only apply for urgency funding if there is an unexpected event you need urgent data on. These may be events affecting the environment created by the occurrence of sporadic natural events such as: earthquakes, droughts, floods, ephemeral events in ecosystems. The aim of this grant is to help you collect valuable data at the start of the event before other events and actions affect the data collection.


EPSRC  EPSRC network grant: Nov 2023: responsive mode
Engineering and Physical sciences Research Council (EPSRC) will support costs of building interdisciplinary research communities. Network grants aim to develop new interdisciplinary research communities and topics by supporting interaction between researchers and relevant science, technology and industrial groups.
Open - no closing date