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Cambridge Public Health


Spotlight on: Adewunmi Akingbola

Dr Adewunmi Akingbola is contributing to public health by improving the reliability of real-world data through his work on missing data and biases in health studies. In this spotlight, Adewunmi shares insights into his research journey, his current work, and the contributions it's making to public health. Read more here.

Spotlight on: Zahra Abbasi

Zahra Abbasi is a PhD candidate and lecturer at the University of Oslo and a Visiting Fellow at Cambridge Public Health. She has a background in comparative literature and experience in care practices. Her PhD project pertains to understanding online-offline conceptualizations of mental health in contemporary Iran. Read more here.

Spotlight on: Larysa Zasiekina

Larysa Zasiekina is a visiting scholar at the Department of Psychology and Director of the Ukrainian Psychotrauma Center. She specialises in studying the psychological impact of genocide in Ukraine and Eastern Europe over generations. Her latest research is centred on gathering stories of war from the initial days of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Read more here.

Spotlight on: Kirsten Rennie

Kirsten is an epidemiologist based in the MRC Epidemiology Unit and the Health Systems Design group, Department of Engineering. Her research focuses on the incorporation of remote monitoring in population-based and patient studies, including apps and wearables, with the aim of improving clinical pathways and health outcomes. Read more here.

Spotlight on: Maria Ikonomova

Maria is a PhD researcher based at the Centre for Sustainable Development in the Department of Engineering. Her research focuses on how to manage physical infrastructure systems in cities to protect public health from climate-related hazards. Read more here.

Spotlight on: Abhirup Ghosh

Abhirup Ghosh is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing, University of Birmingham and a visiting Researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge. His research interests are in Health Data Science and Machine Learning with a focus on improving health diagnostics and screening at the population level. Read more here.

Spotlight on: Yuru Huang

Yuru Huang is a third-year PhD Student and Gates Cambridge Scholar based at the MRC Epidemiology Unit. She uses large, publicly available datasets to explore the out-of-home food environment and has produced a novel database, MenuTracker, that provides nutritional information of menu items served by large food chains in the UK. Read more here.

Spotlight on: Charlie Artingstoll

Charlie Artingstoll runs mental health projects in Myanmar. He graduated in Politics, Psychology and Sociology from King’s College in 2014, and moved to Myanmar thereafter. His speciality is project management and ways in which creative artist advocacy — use of social media influencers, and creative content such as illustrations and animations — can be used to influence and educate people’s opinion on public health issues, in this case mental health. Read more here.

Spotlight on: Sebastian Walsh

Sebastian Walsh is an NIHR Doctoral Fellow, conducting research into public health approaches to dementia prevention. His interest in older people’s health stems from his experiences training and working as a clinical and public health doctor. Sebastian is involved in Cambridge Public Health’s Life Course and Ageing research theme and a member of the Early Career Researcher Advisory Committee. Read more here.


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