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Cambridge Public Health

Read more at: Louise Lafortune

Louise Lafortune

Louise Lafortune is a Principal Research Associate at Cambridge Public Health and leads its Lifecourse and Ageing research pillar.

Read more at: Carol Brayne

Carol Brayne

Carol is a medically qualified epidemiologist and public health academic. She has pioneered the study of dementia in population. Carol’s principal area of research has been longitudinal studies of the health of older people, with a focus on the brain, from a public health perspective. This included pioneering work bringing biology to populations including the creation of brain banks for medical research from population studies.

Read more at: New systematic review shines an important light on older adults' mobility

New systematic review shines an important light on older adults' mobility

17 July 2024

A new systematic review shines an important light on older adults' mobility. Funded by the World Health Organisation, The impact of transport, housing, and urban development interventions on older adults’ mobility examines recent experimental and quasi-experimental studies with mobility outcomes. While the review yielded...

Read more at: Giacomo Bignardi

Giacomo Bignardi

Giacomo is a research associate in the Department of Psychology.

Giacomo’s research centres on social inequalities in educational and mental health outcomes in childhood and adolescence. He has a particular interest in psychometrics and data science. Before his post-doctoral appointment, Giacomo completed his PhD at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge.

Read more at: Xinye Zou

Xinye Zou

Xinye Zou is a final-year PhD student at the University of Cambridge, specialising in social medicine and health education. She holds a Master's degree from Harvard University and a BSc from Syracuse University. Her principal areas of research encompass life course studies, socioeconomic determinants of health, health behaviour, health disparities, psychosocial well-being, health education, and healthcare management.

Read more at: Katia Asfalto

Katia Asfalto

Katia is a clerical assistant and PA to Dr Louise Lafortune and joined CPH in November 2021 to provide administrative support to the team. Katia has an honours degree in International Studies and has worked in Dublin for the Employment Services Support Unit assisting in policy development and in organising events, conferences and group visits at both national and international levels.

Read more at: Andy Cowan

Andy Cowan

Andy has worked at the University since 2011 on a variety of research projects including the CanTest Collaborative, DACHA (Developing resources And minimum data set for Care Homes’ Adoption), EPIC (European Prospective Investigation in Cancer), the Hospice at Home Evaluation and on a series of systematic reviews on frailty, dementia and disability for NICE and Public Health England. He is presently working on an Age-Friendly Community (AFCC) project using a Social Return on Investment (SROI) framework.

Read more at: Calum Mattocks

Calum Mattocks

Calum is a Research Associate at Cambridge Public Health. His research has focused on ageing, in particular, age-friendly communities and their facilitators and barriers. This work has included leading on systematic reviews and qualitative and quantitative research methods. This work includes the evaluation of Age-friendly Cities and Communities, examining the experiences of older people in rehoming schemes and looking at the relationship between local planning laws and age-friendly rural communities in England.

Read more at: Caroline Lee

Caroline Lee

Caroline has been a researcher across a variety of policy areas, including public health, mental health, employment, education, and childcare. With experience across the range of research methodologies, she favours qualitative approaches, and is interested in participatory methods.

Read more at: Joyce Coker

Joyce Coker

Dr Joyce Coker is a Research Associate at Cambridge Public Health. She has a background in Human Physiology and Public Health. During her PhD (University of Leeds, 2015), she used a mixed method approach to examine the influence of statin-use on the health beliefs and health behaviours of adults at risk of cardiovascular disease in South Yorkshire, England and in urban and semi-urban cities in Nigeria.