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Cambridge Public Health


Oguejiofor Ozioma holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Lagos, Nigeria, where he graduated with distinction in urban and regional planning. His undergraduate thesis centred on assessing the health impacts of printing press activities on the physical environment in Lagos, Nigeria. Currently, he is a member of Darwin College and is pursuing an MPhil in Population Health Sciences (Global Health) at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, supported by a full scholarship from the NIHR-funded Global Diet and Activity Research Network, led by Prof Oni at the MRC Epidemiology Unit.

During his undergraduate studies, he collaborated with the Centre of Housing and Sustainable Development, Urban Better Science, and the Global Diet and Activity Research Group on various community research projects at the intersection of urban planning, health, and sustainable development. These projects focused on areas such as physical activities, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), public spaces, and air pollution. Under the GDAR project titled "Informal Appropriation of Public Space for Leisure Physical Activities in Lagos and Yaounde: Analysis of Space Features, Motivation, Experiences, and Health Risks Data from Urban Stakeholders," he served as a research assistant involved in data collection and as a field enumerator, contributing to qualitative and observational research. At the Centre of Housing and Sustainable Development (CHSD), he worked as a community researcher and stakeholder engagement officer.

His research lies at the intersection of the built environment and health outcomes, with a focus on understanding the social and environmental factors that impact the health outcomes of populations. Additionally, he is an early career researcher at the Global Diet and Activity Research Group, Cambridge.


Additional Information


GDAR Fellow

Member of Cambridge Zero

Member of Engage for Change Initiative

Early career Researcher atvGDAR

Darwin Climate Society




  • Urban planning and its impact on health
  • Environmental factors influencing health outcomes
  • Sustainable development and public health
  • Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
  • Physical activity and its relationship with urban environments
  • Air pollution and its health implications
  • Community-based research and stakeholder engagement in public health initiatives.
  • Public Spaces.


Key publications: 

Ozioma O; Oni et al. (2023). Paßrticipatory Air Quality Improvement for Healthy People and Climate Resilient
Public Spaces in Lagos. (UrbanBetter).
