James Smith is a public health doctor based in Cambridge. He works independently to protect and improve health by supporting action to address climate change and promote sustainable development.
From 2013-2014 James worked for Public Health England, the then new national body for public health in England, to establish its Sustainability Programme which brought together its work related to climate change, extreme weather events and sustainable development into a single comprehensive programme.
Before working with Public Health England James undertook five years of professional public health training which included periods working for the NHS Sustainable Development Unit, the Centre for Diet and Physical Activity Research and local public health teams in the counties of Suffolk and Bedfordshire. He won places on and completed the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence's Scholars programme and the East of England NHS Leadership Fellows programme.
Prior to specializing in public health James trained and worked as a general practice doctor. He holds a Masters in Public Health and Bachelors degree in Medicine from Cambridge University. He is a fellow of the UK Faculty of Public Health and is a member of the UK Royal College of General Practitioners.