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Cambridge Public Health


Dr Richard Fenner is a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Sustainable Development in the Engineering Department at Cambridge University. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer and a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management specialising in water, sanitation and sustainability issues, with a longstanding focus on developing country issues. Currently he is examining the inter-relationships between water, land and energy issues with respect to food security in sub Saharan Africa using the Foreseer tool developed initially for BP (on California) and is now being modified to explore the relationships between resource sectors initially in Uganda. He is also supervising work investigating desludging of pit latrines through the characterisation of synthetic sludges and the performance of equipment required to remove them, and separately using a Material Flow Analysis and risk approach to study the environmental and health impacts of resource recovery systems in developing countries (including pit latrine sludge) . He is a committee member of the Cambridge in Africa Programme, and the engineering representative on the Cambridge Africa Partnership in Research Excellence (CAPREx) funded by the Carnegie Corporation. He has also studied the use of system dynamics to understand the barriers to the implementation of household water treatment systems in southern India, Nepal and Ghana, and the use of a life cycle assessment of dry compost toilets in Durban South Africa and the Erdos Ecotown in China. He is the author or co-author of more than 100 papers, has been a founder member and Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Panel for the ICE Journal Engineering Sustainability and is the recipient of several awards from the Institution of Civil Engineers including the George Stephenson Gold Medal, the R A Carr Prize and the James Watt Medal.

Publications from Elements

Journal articles

2021 (Accepted for publication)

  • Fenner, R. and Slattery, Z., 2021 (Accepted for publication). Spatial analysis of the drivers, characteristics, and effects of forest fragmentation Sustainability,
  • Fenner, R. and Cernev, T., 2021 (Accepted for publication). The implications of the Covid-19 pandemic for delivering the Sustainable Development Goals Futures,
  • 2021

  • Ferguson, C. and Fenner, R., 2021. How natural flood management helps downstream urban drainage in various storm directions Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water Management, v. 174
  • Hardy, B. and Fenner, RA., 2021. Towards the sustainability of road transport through the introduction of AV technology Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability,
  • Ferguson, C. and Fenner, R., 2021. How natural flood management helps downstream urban drainage in various storm directions Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water Management, v. 174
  • 2020 (Accepted for publication)

  • Kapetas, L. and Fenner, R., 2020 (Accepted for publication). Integrating Blue-Green and Grey Infrastructure through an Adaptation Pathways Approach to Surface Water Flooding Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
  • Fenner, R. and Ferguson, C., 2020 (Accepted for publication). The potential for Natural Flood Management to maintain free discharge at urban drainage outfalls Journal of Flood Risk Management,
  • 2020

  • Cernev, T. and Fenner, R., 2020. The importance of achieving foundational Sustainable Development Goals in reducing global risk Futures, v. 115
  • Ferguson, CR. and Fenner, RA., 2020. The potential for natural flood management to maintain free discharge at urban drainage outfalls Journal of Flood Risk Management, v. 13
  • Ferguson, C. and Fenner, R., 2020. The impact of Natural Flood Management on the performance of surface drainage systems: A case study in the Calder Valley Journal of Hydrology, v. 590
  • Fenner, R. and Ainger, C., 2020. A review of sustainability in civil engineering: why much more commitment is needed Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Civil Engineering, v. 173
    Doi: 10.1680/jcien.19.00036
  • 2019 (Accepted for publication)

  • Fenner, R., 2019 (Accepted for publication). Editorial: Great floods have flown from simple sources Philosophical Transactions A,
  • O'Donnel, E., Thorne, C., Ahilan, S., Arthur, S., Birkinshaw, S., Butler, D., Dawson, D., Everett, G., Fenner, R., Glenis, V., Kapetas, L., Kilsby, C., Krivstov, V., Lamond, J., Maskrey, S., O'Donnell, G., Potter, K., Vercruysse, K., Vilcan, T. and Wright, N., 2019 (Accepted for publication). The Blue-Green Path to Urban Flood Resilience Journal of Blue Green Systems,
  • Du Chanois, R., Liddle, E., Fenner, R., Jeuland, MA., Evans, B., Cumming, O., Zaman, RU., Mujica-Pereira, A., Ross, I., Gribble, M. and Brown, J., 2019 (Accepted for publication). Factors Associated with Water Service Continuity for the Rural Populations of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ethiopia, and Mozambique Environmental Science & Technology,
  • Lake, P. and Fenner, R., 2019 (Accepted for publication). The Influence of Underlying Stresses from Environmental Hazards on Resilience in Bangladesh: A System View International Journal of Disaster Risk Science,
  • Ferguson, C. and Fenner, R., 2019 (Accepted for publication). Evaluating the effectiveness of catchment-scale approaches in mitigating urban surface water flooding Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
  • 2019

  • Fenner, R., O'Donnell, E., Ahilan, S., Dawson, D., Kapetas, L., Krivtsov, V., Ncube, S. and Vercruysse, K., 2019. Achieving urban flood resilience in an uncertain future Water (Switzerland), v. 11
  • DuChanois, RM., Liddle, ES., Fenner, RA., Jeuland, M., Evans, B., Cumming, O., Zaman, RU., Mujica-Pereira, AV., Ross, I., Gribble, MO. and Brown, J., 2019. Correction to "Factors Associated with Water Service Continuity for the Rural Populations of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ethiopia, and Mozambique". Environ Sci Technol, v. 53
  • 2018 (Published online)

  • Costa, J., Fenner, RA. and Kapetas, L., 2018 (Published online). Assessing the potential for energy recovery from the discharge of storm water run-off Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability,
  • 2018 (Accepted for publication)

  • Costa, J., Fenner, RA. and Kapetas, L., 2018 (Accepted for publication). A screening tool to assess the potential for energy recovery from the discharge of stormwater runoff Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability,
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Morgan, M. and Fenner, RA., 2017 (Accepted for publication). A spatial approach to evaluating the multiple benefits of blue green infrastructure Water Management,
  • Liddle, ES. and Fenner, RA., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Water point failure in sub-Saharan Africa: The value of a systems thinking approach Waterlines, v. 36
  • Morgan, M. and Fenner, RA., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Spatial evaluation of the multiple benefits of sustainable drainage systems Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management,
  • Fenner, RA., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Water point failure in sub Saharan Africa Waterlines,
  • Rajapakse, J., Gallage, C., Dareeju, B., Madabhushi, G. and Fenner, RA., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Estimation of Poisson’s Ratio and Variation of Tensile Yield Strength of Composite Clay Balls Used in Pebble Matrix Filtration Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,
  • 2017

  • Konadu, DD. and Fenner, RA., 2017. Catchment Level Water Resource Constraints on UK Policies for Low-Carbon Energy System Transitions by 2030 Global Challenges, v. 1
  • Fenner, RA., 2017. Spatial Evaluation of Multiple Benefits to Encourage Multi-Functional Design of Sustainable Drainage in Blue-Green Cities Water (ISSN 2073-4441; CODEN: WATEGH), v. Water 2017, 9 (12)
  • Rajapakse, J., Gallage, C., Biyanvilage G, , Madabhushi, G. and Fenner, RA., 2017. Estimation of Poisson’s Ratio and Variation of Tensile Yield Strength of Composite Clay Balls Used in Pebble Matrix Filtration Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, v. 29
  • 2016

  • Hoang, L. and Fenner, RA., 2016. System interactions of stormwater management using sustainable urban drainage systems and green infrastructure Urban Water Journal, v. 13
  • Bajzelj, B., Fenner, RA., Curmi, E. and Richards, KS., 2016. Teaching sustainable and integrated resource management using an interactive nexus model International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, v. 17
  • Hoang, L., Fenner, RA. and Skenderian, M., 2016. A conceptual approach for evaluating the multiple benefits of urban flood management practices Journal of Flood Risk Management, v. 11
  • 2015

  • Mukuve, FM. and Fenner, RA., 2015. The influence of water, land, energy and soil-nutrient resource interactions on the food system in Uganda Food Policy, v. 51
  • Hardy, B. and Fenner, RA., 2015. Towards the sustainability of road transport through the introduction of AV technology Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, v. 168
    Doi: 10.1680/jensu.14.00053
  • Ashley, SF., Fenner, RA., Nuttall, WJ. and Parks, GT., 2015. Life-cycle impacts from novel thorium-uranium-fuelled nuclear energy systems Energy Conversion and Management, v. 101
  • Rajapakse, JP., Gallage, C., Dareeju, B., Madabhushi, G. and Fenner, R., 2015. Strength properties of composite clay balls containing additives from industry wastes as new filter media in water treatment Geomechanics and Engineering, v. 8
  • Radford, JT., Underdown, C., Velkushanova, K., Byrne, A., Smith, DPK., Fenner, RA., Pietrovito, J. and Whitesell, A., 2015. Faecal sludge simulants to aid the development of desludging technologies Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, v. 5
  • Konadu, DD., Mourão, ZS., Allwood, JM., Richards, KS., Kopec, G., McMahon, R. and Fenner, R., 2015. Land use implications of future energy system trajectories-The case of the UK 2050 Carbon Plan Energy Policy, v. 86
  • Konadu, DD., Mourão, ZS., Allwood, JM., Richards, KS., Kopec, GM., McMahon, RA. and Fenner, RA., 2015. Not all low-carbon energy pathways are environmentally "no-regrets" options Global Environmental Change, v. 35
  • Mukuve, FM. and Fenner, RA., 2015. Scale variability of water, land, and energy resource interactions and their influence on the food system in Uganda Sustainable Production and Consumption, v. 2
  • 2014

  • Ngai, TKK. and Fenner, RA., 2014. Designing programme implementation strategies to increase the adoption and use of biosand water filters in rural India Water Alternatives, v. 7
  • Fenner, RA., Cruickshank, HJ. and Ainger, C., 2014. Sustainability in civil engineering education: Why, what, when, where and how Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, v. 167
  • Ye, G. and Fenner, RA., 2014. Weighted Least Squares with Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Burst Detection in U.K. Water Distribution Systems Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, v. 140
    Doi: 10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000344
  • Lawson, E., Thorne, C., Ahilan, S., Allen, D., Arthur, S., Everett, G., Fenner, R., Glenis, V., Guan, D., Hoang, L., Kilsby, C., Lamond, J., Mant, J., Maskrey, S., Mount, N., Sleigh, A., Smith, L. and Wright, N., 2014. Delivering and evaluating the multiple flood risk benefits in Blue-Green cities: An interdisciplinary approach WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, v. 184
  • Lawson, E., Thorne, C., Ahilan, S., Arthur S, , Everett, G., Fenner, RA., Glenis, V., Guan, D., Hoang, L., Kilsby, C., Lamond, J., Mant, J., Mount, N., Sleigh, A., Smith, L. and Wright, N., 2014. Delivering and evaluating the multiple flood risk benefits in Blue-Green cities: an interdisciplinary approach WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment,
  • Ye, G. and Fenner, RA., 2014. Weighted least squares with expectation-maximization algorithm for burst detection in U.K. water distribution systems Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, v. 140
  • 2013

  • Curmi, E., Fenner, RA., Richards, K., Allwood, JM., Bajzelj B., and Kopec G., , 2013. Visualising a stochastic model of California Water Resources Using Sankey Diagrams Water Resources Management, v. 27
  • Ashley, SF., Fenner, RA., Nuttall, WJ. and Parks, GT., 2013. Open cycle thorium–uranium-fuelled nuclear energy systems Proceedings of the ICE - Energy, v. 166
  • Radford J., and Fenner, RA., 2013. Characterisation and fluidisation of synthetic pit latrine sludge Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development,
  • Ye, G. and Fenner, RA., 2013. Study of Burst Alarming and Data Sampling Frequency in Water Distribution Networks ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,
  • Curmi, E., Richards, K., Fenner, R., Allwood, JM., Kopec, GM. and Bajželj, B., 2013. An integrated representation of the services provided by global water resources. J Environ Manage, v. 129
  • 2012 (No publication date)

  • Rajapakse, J., Madabhushi, G., Fenner, RA. and Gallage C., , 2012 (No publication date). Properties of Hand-made Clay Balls used as a Novel Filter Media Journal of Geotechnical and Engineering,
  • 2012 (Accepted for publication)

  • Radford, J. and Fenner, RA., 2012 (Accepted for publication). Characterisation and fluidisation of synthetic pit latrine sludge Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development,
  • Fenner, RA. and Hawley, C., 2012 (Accepted for publication). The potential for thermal energy recovery from wastewater treatment works in Southern England Journal of Water and Climate Change,
  • 2012

  • Cruickshank, HJ., Ainger, C. and Fenner, R., 2012. Graduate education for leadership and organisational change in sustainable development EE 2012 - International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in Engineering Education, Conference Proceedings,
  • Rajapakse, J., Madabhushi, G., Fenner, RA. and Gallage C., , 2012. Properties of hand-made clay balls used as a novel filter media International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, v. 4
  • Cruickshank, HJ. and Fenner, RA., 2012. Exploring key sustainable development themes through learning activities International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, v. 13
  • Fenner, RA. and Hawley, C., 2012. The potential for thermal energy recovery from wastewater treatment works in Southern England Journal of Water and Climate Change, v. 3
  • 2011 (No publication date)

  • Fenner, RA., Yadoo, A., Ostman, K. and Cruickshank, HJ., 2011 (No publication date). Community based rural electrification in action: a review of grid extension programmes in Ghana and Nepal. Journal of International Development,
  • Fenner, RA. and Cruickshank, HJ., 2011 (No publication date). Exploring key sustainable development themes through learning activities International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (Print Edition),
  • Fenner, RA. and Radford, J., 2011 (No publication date). Characterisation and fluidisation of synthetic pit latrine sludge Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development,
  • 2011

  • Fenner, RA. and Thorne, O., 2011. The impact of climate change on reservour water quality and water treatment plant operations Water and Environment Journal, v. 25
  • Rajapakse, JP. and Fenner, RA., 2011. Evaluation of Alternative Media for Pebble Matrix Filtration Using Clay Balls and Recycled Crushed Glass J ENVIRON ENG-ASCE, v. 137
  • Ye, G. and Fenner, RA., 2011. Kalman filtering of hydraulic measurements for burst detection in water distribution systems Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice (ASCE), v. 2
  • Fenner, RA. and Jeffrey, P., 2011. Editorial: Addressing the human dimension in socio-technical systems Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, v. 164
  • Vukotic, L., Fenner, RA., Symons, K. and Watson, A., 2011. Discussion: Assessing embodied energy of building structural elements Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, v. 164
  • 2010

  • Bernier, P., Fenner, RA. and Ainger, C., 2010. Assessing the sustainability merits of retrofitting existing homes P I CIVIL ENG-ENG SU, v. 163
  • Graebig, M., Bringezu, S. and Fenner, RA., 2010. Comparative analysis of environmental impacts of maize-biomass and photovoltaics on land use basis Solar Energy, v. 84
  • Vukotic, L., Fenner, RA. and Symons, K., 2010. Assessing embodied energy of building structural elements Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, v. 163
  • Bernier, P., Fenner, RA. and Ainger, C., 2010. Retrofitting homes for energy and water efficiency Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability,
  • 2009

  • Flores, A., Buckley, C. and Fenner, RA., 2009. Selecting sanitation systems for sustainability in developing countries Water Science and Technology, v. 60
  • Flores, A., Rosemarin, A. and Fenner, R., 2009. Evaluating the Sustainability of an Innovative Dry Sanitation (Ecosan) System in China as Compared to a Conventional Waterborne Sanitation System Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, v. 2009
    Doi: 10.2175/193864709793957760
  • Thorne, O. and Fenner, RA., 2009. The impact of climate change on reservoir water quality and water treatment plant operations: a UK case study Water and Environment Journal,
  • Thorne, OM. and Fenner, RA., 2009. Risk-based climate-change impact assessment for the water industry Water Science and Technology, v. 59
  • Fenner, RA., Ainger, C., Cruickshank, H. and Guthrie, P., 2009. Discussion: Widening engineering horizons: addressing the complexity of sustainable development P I CIVIL ENG-ENG SU, v. 162
  • Fenner, RA., Ainger, C., Cruickshank, HJ. and Guthrie, PM., 2009. Discussion: widening horizons for engineers: addressing the complexity of sustainable development Proceedings of ICE: Engineering Sustainability, v. 162
  • Fenner, RA., 2009. Ice snow and water-impacts of climate change of California and Himalayan Asia Proceedings of the ICE, Engineering Sustainability, v. 162
  • 2008

  • Fenner, RA. and Ryce, T., 2008. A comparative analysis of two building rating systems. Part 1: Evaluation Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, v. 161
  • Fenner, RA. and Ryce, T., 2008. A comparative analysis of two building rating systems. Part 2: Case study Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, v. 161
  • Thorne, OM. and Fenner, RA., 2008. Modelling the impacts of climate change on a water treatment plant in South Australia Water Science and Technology Water Supply, v. 8
  • Fenner, RA., 2008. Can sustainability count? Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, v. 161
  • 2007

  • Fenner, RA., Guthrie, PM. and Piano, E., 2007. Process selection for sanitation systems and wastewater treatment in refugee camps in disaster-relief situations Water and Environment Journal, v. 21
  • Fenner, RA., McFarland, G. and Thorne, O., 2007. Case-based reasoning approach for managing sewerage assets Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Water Management, v. 160
  • Ko, J. and Fenner, RA., 2007. Adoption of energy efficient innovations in new UK housing Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Energy, v. 160
  • Fenner, RA., 2007. Editorial - Romans, Incas and the young engineer Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, v. 160
  • Cruickshank, H. and Fenner, RA., 2007. The evolving role of engineers: towards sustainable development of the built environment Journal of International Development, v. 19
  • Fenner, RA., McFarland, G. and Thorne, O., 2007. Case-based reasoning approach for managing sewerage assets P I CIVIL ENG-WAT M, v. 160
  • 2006

  • Fenner, RA., Ainger, CA., Cruickshank, HJ. and Guthrie, P., 2006. Widening horizons for engineers: addressing the complexity of sustainable development Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, v. 159
  • Fenner, RA., Ainger, CM., Cruickshank, HJ. and Guthrie, PM., 2006. Widening engineering horizons: Addressing the complexity of sustainable development Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, v. 159
  • 2005

  • Fenner, RA., 2005. Book review (Azapagic A., Perdan S., Clift R. "Sustainable development in practice: case studies for engineers and scientists" Wiley) Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, v. 158
  • Fenner, RA. and Komvuschara, K., 2005. A new kinetic model for ultraviolet disinfection of greywater J ENVIRON ENG-ASCE, v. 131
  • Fenner, RA. and Komvuschara, K., 2005. A new kinetic model for the disinfection of greywater ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, v. 131
  • Fenner, RA., Ainger, C., Cruickshank, H. and Guthrie, P., 2005. Embedding sustainable development into Cambridge University Engineering Department International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, v. 6
  • 2003

  • Fenner, RA. and Clarke, K., 2003. Environmental and structural implications for the re-use of tyres in fluvial and marine-construction projects J CHART INST WATER E, v. 17
  • Fenner, RA., Sweeting, L., Marriott, MJ. and Pizey, C., 2003. A new approach for directing proactive sewer maintenance Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Water and Maritime Engineering, v. 156
  • Clarke, K. and Fenner, RA., 2003. The sustainability of re-using tyres in fluvial and marine construction projects Journal of the Institution of Water and Environment Management, v. 17
  • 2002

  • Fenner, RA., 2002. Editorial - Performance is your reality, forget everything else Urban Water, v. 4
  • 2000

  • Fenner, RA., Sweeting, L. and Marriott, M., 2000. A new approach for directing proactive sewer maintenance Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Water and Maritime Engineering, v. 142
  • Fenner, RA., 2000. Approaches to sewer maintenance: a comparative review Urban Water, v. 2
  • Stuetz, RM., Fenner, RA., Hall, SJ., Stratful, I. and Loke, D., 2000. Monitoring wastewater odours using an electronic nose Water Science and Technology, v. 41
  • Fenner, RA., 2000. Approaches to sewer maintenance: A review Urban Water, v. 2
  • 1999

  • Stuetz, RM., Fenner, RA. and Engin, G., 1999. Assessment of odours from sewage treatment works by an electronic nose, H2S analysis and olfactometry Water Research, v. 33
  • Fenner, RA., 1999. Book review (Butler D., Davies J. "Urban Drainage" FN Spon, 2000) Urban Water, v. 1
  • Tyack, JN. and Fenner, RA., 1999. Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the velocity profiles within a hydrodynamic separator Water Science and Technology, v. 39
  • Fenner, RA. and Sweeting, L., 1999. A decision support model for the rehabilitation of non-critical sewers Water Science and Technology, v. 39
  • Stuetz, RM., George, S., Fenner, RA. and Hall, SJ., 1999. Monitoring wastewater BOD using a non-specific sensor array Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, v. 74
  • Stuetz, RM., Fenner, RA. and Engin, G., 1999. Characterisation of wastewater using an electronic nose Water Research, v. 33
  • Fenner, RA. and Stuetz, RM., 1999. Application of electronic nose technology to environmental monitoring of water and wastewater treatment activities Water Environment Research, v. 71
  • 1998

  • Stuetz, RM., White, M. and Fenner, RA., 1998. Use of an electronic nose to detect tainting compounds in raw and treated potable water Aqua (Journal of the Internation Water Supply Association), v. 47
  • Stuetz, RM. and Fenner, RA., 1998. Electronic nose technology: a new tool in odour management Water Quality International,
  • Reynolds, DM., Fenner, RA., Isles, A., Ahmad, SR. and Tominaga, M., 1998. Non-invasive optical sensing: the potential for real time continuous monitoring of water and wastewater quality International Environmental Technology, v. 8
  • Stuetz, RM., Engin, G. and Fenner, RA., 1998. Sewage odour measurements using a sensory panel and an electronic nose Water Science and Technology, v. 38
  • Stuetz, RM., Engin, G. and Fenner, RA., 1998. Sewage odour measurements using a sensory panel and an electronic nose Water Science and Technology, v. 38
  • Fenner, RA. and Tyack, JN., 1998. Physical modeling of hydrodynamic separators operating with underflow ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, v. 124
  • 1997

  • Fenner, RA. and Tyack, JN., 1997. Scaling laws for hydrodynamic separators ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, v. 123
  • 1996

  • Day, R. and Fenner, RA., 1996. The effectiveness of the land-drainage consent system Journal of the Institution of Water and Environment Management, v. 10
  • 1991

  • Fenner, RA., 1991. The influence of sewer bedding arrangements on infiltration rates and soil migration Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer, v. 8
  • Fenner, RA., 1991. Influence of sewer bedding arrangements on infiltration rates on soil migration Proceedings of ICE, Municipal Engineer (Institution of Civil Engineers), v. 8
  • 1990

  • Fenner, RA., 1990. Excluding groundwater infiltration into new sewers Journal of the Institution of Water and Environment Management, v. 4
  • Theses / dissertations

    2020 (No publication date)

  • Ferguson, C., 2020 (No publication date). The effects of upstream Natural Flood Management on urban surface drainage performance
  • Datasets

    2019 (No publication date)

  • Kapetas, L. and Fenner, R., 2019 (No publication date). Research data supporting "Integrating Blue-Green and Grey Infrastructure through an Adaptation Pathways Approach to Surface Water Flooding"
  • 2018 (No publication date)

  • Costa, J., Fenner, RA. and Kapetas, L., 2018 (No publication date). Data for the calculation of Energy recovery potential from stormwater runoff
  • 2015 (No publication date)

  • Ashley, SF., Fenner, RA., Nuttall, WJ. and Parks, GT., 2015 (No publication date). Research data supporting "Life-cycle impacts from novel thorium–uranium-fuelled nuclear energy systems"
  • Conference proceedings

    2019 (Accepted for publication)

  • Ncube, S., Arthur, S., Fenner, R., Kapetas, L. and Birkinshaw, S., 2019 (Accepted for publication). Impact of different blue/green infrastructure investment pathways on dynamic evolution of natural capital
  • Fenner, R., Kapetas, L. and Saleh, H., 2019 (Accepted for publication). Managed aquifer storage of stormwater as a drought mitigation strategy
  • 2019

  • Ncube, S., Arthur, S., Kapetas, L., Fenner, RA. and Birkinshaw, S., 2019. Impact of blue/green and grey infrastructure interventions on natural capital in urban development Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure,
  • 2018 (Accepted for publication)

  • Liddle, E. and Fenner, R., 2018 (Accepted for publication). The impact of procurement and siting procedures on handpump functionality in Uganda
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Fenner, RA. and O'Donnell, E., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Overcoming barriers to Blue Green infrastructure through multiple benefit evaluation
  • Fenner, RA. and Hoang, L., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Institutional perspectives on impacts and benefits of an urban flood management project
  • 2017

  • Willis, S., Law, C., Radford, J., Underdown, C., Choksey, J., Fenner, RA., Sugden, S. and Pal, S., 2017. Physical and financial performance of pit emptying technologies
  • Fenner, RA., 2017. A spatial evaluation of multiple benefits from Blue Green Infrastructure
  • 2016

  • Fenner, RA., 2016. Can teaching sustainability principles guide engineering design?
  • Allwood, J., Konadu, K., Mourao, Z., Lupton, R., Richards, K., Fenner, RA., Skelton, S. and McMahon, R., 2016. Integrated land water energy assessment using the Foreseer tool
  • Fenner, RA. and Morgan, M., 2016. Evaluating Multiple Benefits of Blue Green Infrastructure schemes through GIS
  • 2015

  • Fenner, RA., Dahlin, J-E. and Cruickshank, H., 2015. Critical evaluation of simulations and games as tools for expanding student perspectives on sustainability
  • Fenner, RA., Cruickshank, H., Ainger, C., Harding, P. and Owen, S., 2015. Maintaining entropy: developing skills to help graduate engineers lead change
  • Radford, J., Underdown, C., Velkushanova, K., Fenner, RA., Simth, D., Pietrovito, A. and Whitesell, A., 2015. Faecal sludge simulants to aid the development of desludging technologies
  • Fenner, RA., Nuttall, W., Ashley, S., Krishnani, G. and Parks, G., 2015. Technology Assessment of Near-Term Open-Cycle Thorium-fuleed energy systems
  • 2014

  • Hoang, L. and Fenner, RA., 2014. System interactions of green roofs in blue green cities
  • 2013 (No publication date)

  • Cruickshank, HJ. and Fenner, RA., 2013 (No publication date). Graduate Education for Leadership in Sustainable Development Loughborough University,
  • Fenner, RA., 2013 (No publication date). Reflections on Stormwater Systems and their Urban Value
  • Fenner, RA., 2013 (No publication date). Engineering Sustainability: Principles into Practice
  • 2013

  • Bajzelj, B., Fenner, RA., Curmi, C., Kopec, G. and Richards, K., 2013. Using a water, energy and land research model in undergraduate lectures: bridging the gap between research and teaching
  • 2012 (No publication date)

  • Fenner, RA., 2012 (No publication date). Risk based climate change impact assessment for the water industry International Water Association,
  • Cruickshank, HJ. and Fenner, RA., 2012 (No publication date). Exploring key sustainable development themes through learning activities
  • Curmi, E., Fenner, RA., Allwood, J., Richards, K., Bojelcj, B. and Kopec, G., 2012 (No publication date). Managing water resources and their connection to land and energy
  • 2012

  • Cruickshank, HJ., Fenner, RA. and Ainger, C., 2012. Graduate Education for Leadership in Sustainable Development Innovation , Practice and Research
  • Curmi, E., Fenner, RA., Richards, K., Allwood, J., Bazjelj, B. and Kopec, G., 2012. Managing water resource futures and their connection to land and energy resources.
  • 2011 (No publication date)

  • Cruickshank, HJ. and Fenner, RA., 2011 (No publication date). Exploring key sustainable development themes through learning activities Procceedings EESD 10 (Chalmers University,),
  • Fenner, RA., 2011 (No publication date). Key note address
  • Fenner, RA., 2011 (No publication date). A comparative review of Building Rating Systems
  • 2011

  • Fenner, RA., Radford, J. and Coffey M., , 2011. Developing a synthetic pit latrine sludge and a process for its fluidisation Our Global Future EWB-UK,
  • 2009

  • Flores, A., Rosemarin, A. and Fenner, RA., 2009. Comparing the sustainability of an innovative dry sanitation (Ecosan) system in China to a conventional waterborne sanitation system
  • Ngai, T. and Fenner, RA., 2009. Expanding adoption of drinking water treatment systems in developing countries: a case study from Tamil Nadu, India Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society,
  • Savic, DA., Boxall, JB., Ulanicki, B., Kapelan, Z., Makropoulos, C., Fenner, R., Soga, K., Marshall, IW., Maksimovic, C., Postlethwaite, I., Ashley, R. and Graham, N., 2009. Project neptune: Improved operation of water distribution networks Geotechnical Special Publication,
  • 2008

  • Ngai, T. and Fenner, RA., 2008. Characterizing the dissemination process of household water treatment systems in less developed countries WEDC Conference, 33rd, 2008,
  • Thorne, OM. and Fenner, RA., 2008. A simplified climate change impact assessment tool for engineers
  • Ngai, T. and Fenner, RA., 2008. A systems approach to characterise the dissemination process of household water treatment systems in developing countries IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition,
  • Ngai, TKK. and Fenner, RA., 2008. A systems approach to characterise the dissemination process of household water treatment systems in developing countries
  • Flores, A., Buckley, C. and Fenner, RA., 2008. Selecting wastewater systems for sustainability in developing countries
  • Savic, DA., Boxall, JB., Ulanicki, B., Kapelan, Z., Makropoulos, C., Fenner, RA., Soga, K., Marshall, IW., Maksimovic, C., Postlethwaite, I., Ashley, R. and Graham, N., 2008. Project neptune: improved operation of water distribution networks Proceedings of Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2008,
  • Thorne, OM. and Fenner, RA., 2008. Modelling the impacts of climate change on a water treatment plant in South Australia
  • Thorne, OM. and Fenner, RA., 2008. Risk based climate change impact assessment for the water industry: a South Australian case study
  • 2004

  • Fenner, RA., Ainger, C., Cruickshank, H. and Guthrie, P., 2004. Embedding sustainable development into Cambridge University Engineering Department
  • Piano, E., Guthrie, PM. and Fenner, RA., 2004. Development of a wastewater treatment system for disaster relief
  • Fenner, RA., 2004. Sustainable construction
  • Fenner, RA., 2004. Strategies for targeting proactive maintenance on sewerage networks
  • 2002

  • Fenner, RA. and Saward, G., 2002. Towards assessing sewer performance and serviceability using knowledge based systems Global Solutions for Urban Drainage,
  • Fenner, RA. and Saward, G., 2002. Towards performance assessment of sewers using expert and knowledge based systems
  • 2001

  • Fenner, RA., 2001. Sewer asset condition and performance
  • Fenner, RA., 2001. Can urban drainage be sustainable without improving maintenance?
  • 2000

  • Fenner, RA., 2000. Proactive sewer maintenance: a world tour
  • 1999

  • Fenner, RA., 1999. Developing maintenance strategies for non-critical sewers using risk analysis techniques
  • Stuetz, RM., Fenner, RA. and Ratcliff, J., 1999. Surrogate monitoring in wastewater treatment Proceedings of the 6th International Syposium Olfaction and Electronic Nose 99 (ISOEN 99), v. 6
  • Fenner, RA., Stuetz, RM., Hall, SJ., Loke, D. and Stratful, I., 1999. Monitoring of wastewater odours using an electronic nose
  • 1998

  • Fenner, RA. and Sweeting, L., 1998. Developing a decision support model for the rehabilitation of non- critical sewers
  • Reynolds, DM., Fenner, RA. and Ahmad, SR., 1998. Real time non-invasive monitoring of potable and wastewater quality using optical techniques
  • Stuetz, RM., White, M. and Fenner, RA., 1998. Detecting organic pollutants in water using an electric nose
  • Tyack, JN. and Fenner, RA., 1998. Identification of flow regimes within a hydrodynamic sepatator
  • Stuetz, RM., Fenner, RA. and Engin, G., 1998. Sewage odour measurements using a sensory panel and an electronic nose
  • Fenner, RA., 1998. Working with the water industry to improve sewer maintenance
  • Tyack, JN. and Fenner, RA., 1998. Computational fluid dynamics modelling of the velocity profiles within a hydrodynamic separator
  • Fenner, RA. and Sweeting, L., 1998. A Bayesian statistical model of sewer system performance using historical event data
  • Fenner, RA. and Sweeting, L., 1998. A decision support model for the rehabilitation of non-critical sewers
  • 1997

  • Tyack, JN. and Fenner, RA., 1997. The use of scaling laws in characterising residence time in hydrodynamic separators
  • 1996

  • Stuetz, RM., Engin, G. and Fenner, RA., 1996. Using an electronic NOSE to detect sewer odour
  • 1995

  • Fenner, RA., 1995. New developments in environmental assessment
  • 1994

  • Deamer, AP., Fenner, RA. and Edwards, S., 1994. Vortex separators, dimensional analysis and scaling laws
  • 1993

  • Fenner, RA., 1993. Planning and environmental technology
  • 1990

  • Fenner, RA., 1990. The effects of pipe joint failures
  • Reports


  • Krivstov, V., Arthur, S., Everitt, G., Fenner, R., Hoang, L., Lamond, J., Morgan, M., O'Donnell, E. and Thorne, C., 2019. Blue Green Infrastructure - perspectives on planning, evaluation and collaboration
  • 2018

  • Liddle, E. and Fenner, R., 2018. Review of handpump-borehole implementation in Uganda
  • 2017

  • Konadu, DD., Fenner, RA., Richards, KS. and Allwood, JM., 2017. UK water-energy nexus under climate change: Key issues and priorities
  • 2007

  • Fenner, RA., Brown, S., Facer, J. and Kendall, C., 2007. Can greenery make comercial buidings more green
  • 1998

  • Fenner, RA. and Sweeting, L., 1998. Developling rehabilitation strategies for non-critical sewers using risk analysis techniques
  • Fenner, RA. and Tyack, N., 1998. An investigation into hydrodynamic separation using physical and computational models
  • Book chapters


  • Fenner, R. and Liddle, E., 2019. Using causal loop diagrams to understand handpump failure in sub-Saharan Africa
  • 2017

  • Fenner, RA., 2017. Water: essential resource and critical hazard
  • 2014

  • Curmi, E., Richards, K., Fenner, RA., Kopec, G. and Bajzelj, B., 2014. Balancing the needs of all services provided by global water resources
  • 2011

  • Fenner, R. and Flores, A., 2011. Providing Sustainable Sanitation
  • 2010

  • Fenner, R. and Flores, A., 2010. Providing Sustainable Sanitation
  • Flores, A. and Fenner, RA., 2010. Providing sustainable sanitation solutions
  • 2001

  • Stuetz, RM. and Fenner, RA., 2001. Odour measurements using sensor arrays
  • 2000

  • Fenner, RA. and Stuetz, RM., 2000. Odour measurement and assessment techniques
  • 1995

  • Fenner, RA., 1995. Planning and enviromental technology
  • Books


  • Ainger, C. and Fenner, RA., 2016. Sustainable Water
  • 2013

  • Ainger, C. and Fenner, RA., 2013. Sustainable Infrastructure - Principles into Practice
  • 2000

  • 2000. Performance indicators in urban drainage: proceedings of joint IWA/IAHR/CIWEM conference, University of Hertfordshire, 6 December 2000
  • Working papers


  • Ashley, SF., Fenner, RA., Nuttall, WJ. and Parks, , 2012. Sustainability Indicators for Open-Cycle Thorium-Fuelled Nuclear Energy
  • Ashley, SF., Fenner, RA., Nuttall, WJ. and Parks, GT., 2012. Sustainability indicators for open-cycle thorium-fuelled nuclear energy Electricity Policy Research Group Working Paper Series,
  • Other publications


  • Facer, J., Kendall, C., Fenner, RA. and Brown, S., 2007. Can greenery make commercial buildings more green?