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Cambridge Public Health


Director of Research in Global Health
My own field of research of Human Population Biology and Health is a transdisciplinary subject which recognises that human populations & cultures and their disease profiles cannot be understood simply through biological or social processes, but that an integrated approach combining the social & natural sciences are likely to provide the most comprehensive understanding.
My most recent research is on the inter-relationships between poverty, nutrition and disease with support from UKAid with work primarily in Bangladesh and Nepal. I also work on some of the Neglected Tropical Diseases and on how worm infestation impedes nutrition, growth, reproduction and health with fieldwork in Africa, Asia and UK. Initially I worked on Schistosomiasis in the Sudan, and since 1988, in Bangladesh, on geohelminths and more recently Filariasis. I am also interested in sound statistical analyses and for over fifteen years I ran data handling courses with the Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory in a number of African countries including, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Tanzania, and subsequently in Bangladesh and Japan with support from Danida, DFID, The World Bank and JICA.
I am also interested in the impact of migration and mating patterns in modifying the structure of human populations and I have used longitudinal cohort studies to show that both random and selective migration occur with different end products.