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Cambridge Public Health


Director of the Duckworth Collection
My research interests are very broad, but my work has focused mainly on the evolution and diversity of modern humans, Homo sapiens. This research has involved a range of disciplines, including human palaeontology, evolutionary genetics, behavioural ecology, linguistics and prehistoric archaeology. I am also interested on questions related to biological adaptations and diet in small-scale societies. I currently have field projects in India (anthropology & genetics) and Kenya (palaeoanthropology).

Publications from Elements

Journal articles


  • Foley, RA. and Mirazón Lahr, M., 2024. Ghosts of extinct apes: genomic insights into African hominid evolution. Trends Ecol Evol, v. 39
    Doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2023.12.009
  • 2023 (Accepted for publication)

  • Mirazon Lahr, M., Nadal, L., Leakey, L. and Leakey, M., 2023 (Accepted for publication). New Additions to the Paranthropus boisei Mandibular Hypodigm from Koobi Fora, Kenya PaleoAnthropology,
  • 2023

  • Dean, MC., Garrevoet, J., Van Malderen, SJM., Santos, F., Mirazón Lahr, M., Foley, R. and Le Cabec, A., 2023. The Distribution and Biogenic Origins of Zinc in the Mineralised Tooth Tissues of Modern and Fossil Hominoids: Implications for Life History, Diet and Taphonomy. Biology (Basel), v. 12
    Doi: 10.3390/biology12121455
  • Mounier, A., Manthi, FK., Bosch, MD., Galán, SSD., Chapon-Sao, C., Achyuthan, H., Bahain, JJ., Daujeard, C., Delagnes, A., Edung, JE., Falguères, C., Foley, RA., Hautavoine, H., Noens, G., Stoetzel, E., Tombret, O., Waithira, J., Van Baelen, A., Marín, J., Vidal, C. and Lahr, MM., 2023. Kanyimangin: the Early to Middle Pleistocene Transition in the south-west of the Turkana Basin Antiquity, v. 97
  • 2022

  • Nadal, L. and Lahr, MM., 2022. Patterns of sexual variation in hominoid mandibular morphology: a framework for interpreting the hominin fossil record
  • Mirazon Lahr, M., 2022. Richard Leakey (1944-2022) Obituary NATURE, v. 602
  • 2021

  • Heydari-Guran, S., Benazzi, S., Talamo, S., Ghasidian, E., Hariri, N., Oxilia, G., Asiabani, S., Azizi, F., Naderi, R., Safaierad, R., Hublin, J-J., Foley, RA. and Lahr, MM., 2021. The discovery of an in situ Neanderthal remain in the Bawa Yawan Rockshelter, West-Central Zagros Mountains, Kermanshah. PLoS One, v. 16
  • Lahr, MM., 2021. The complex landscape of recent human evolution Science, v. 372
  • 2020 (Accepted for publication)

  • Correia, MA., Foley, R. and Mirazón Lahr, M., 2020 (Accepted for publication). Applying dental microwear texture analysis to the living: Challenges and prospects. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, v. 174
  • 2020

  • Pomeroy, E., Hunt, CO., Reynolds, T., Abdulmutalb, D., Asouti, E., Bennett, P., Bosch, D., Burke, A., Farr, L., Foley, R., French, C., Frumkin, A., Goldberg, P., Hill, E., Kabukcu, C., Mirazon Lahr, M., Lane, R., Marean, C., Maureille, B., Mutri, G., Miller, C., Ali Mustafa, K., Nymark, A., Pettitt, P., Sala, N., Sandgathe, D., Stringer, C., Tilby, E. and Barker, G., 2020. Issues of theory and method in the analysis of Paleolithic mortuary behavior: a view from Shanidar Cave Evolutionary Anthropology, v. 29
  • 2019

  • Correia, MA., Foley, R., O'Connell, TC., Ramírez-Rozzi, F. and Mirazón Lahr, M., 2019. Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Signatures of Hair, Nail, and Breath from tropical African Human Populations Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry,
  • Van Baelen, A., Wilshaw, A., Griffith, P., Noens, G., Maíllo-Fernández, JM., Foley, RA. and Mirazón Lahr, M., 2019. Prospect Farm and the Middle and Later Stone Age Occupation of Mt. Eburru (Central Rift, Kenya) in an East African Context African Archaeological Review, v. 36
  • Ghasidian, E., Heydari-Guran, S. and Mirazón Lahr, M., 2019. Upper Paleolithic cultural diversity in the Iranian Zagros Mountains and the expansion of modern humans into Eurasia. J Hum Evol, v. 132
  • Sikora, M., Pitulko, VV., Sousa, VC., Allentoft, ME., Vinner, L., Rasmussen, S., Margaryan, A., de Barros Damgaard, P., de la Fuente, C., Renaud, G., Yang, MA., Fu, Q., Dupanloup, I., Giampoudakis, K., Nogués-Bravo, D., Rahbek, C., Kroonen, G., Peyrot, M., McColl, H., Vasilyev, SV., Veselovskaya, E., Gerasimova, M., Pavlova, EY., Chasnyk, VG., Nikolskiy, PA., Gromov, AV., Khartanovich, VI., Moiseyev, V., Grebenyuk, PS., Fedorchenko, AY., Lebedintsev, AI., Slobodin, SB., Malyarchuk, BA., Martiniano, R., Meldgaard, M., Arppe, L., Palo, JU., Sundell, T., Mannermaa, K., Putkonen, M., Alexandersen, V., Primeau, C., Baimukhanov, N., Malhi, RS., Sjögren, K-G., Kristiansen, K., Wessman, A., Sajantila, A., Lahr, MM., Durbin, R., Nielsen, R., Meltzer, DJ., Excoffier, L. and Willerslev, E., 2019. The population history of northeastern Siberia since the Pleistocene. Nature, v. 570
  • Mounier, A. and Mirazón Lahr, M., 2019. Deciphering African late middle Pleistocene hominin diversity and the origin of our species. Nat Commun, v. 10
  • 2018 (Accepted for publication)

  • Mirazon Lahr, M., Foley, R. and Willerslev, E., 2018 (Accepted for publication). The prehistoric peopling of Southeast Asia Science,
  • 2018

  • Moreno-Mayar, JV., Vinner, L., de Barros Damgaard, P., de la Fuente, C., Chan, J., Spence, JP., Allentoft, ME., Vimala, T., Racimo, F., Pinotti, T., Rasmussen, S., Margaryan, A., Iraeta Orbegozo, M., Mylopotamitaki, D., Wooller, M., Bataille, C., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Chivall, D., Comeskey, D., Devièse, T., Grayson, DK., George, L., Harry, H., Alexandersen, V., Primeau, C., Erlandson, J., Rodrigues-Carvalho, C., Reis, S., Bastos, MQR., Cybulski, J., Vullo, C., Morello, F., Vilar, M., Wells, S., Gregersen, K., Hansen, KL., Lynnerup, N., Mirazón Lahr, M., Kjær, K., Strauss, A., Alfonso-Durruty, M., Salas, A., Schroeder, H., Higham, T., Malhi, RS., Rasic, JT., Souza, L., Santos, FR., Malaspinas, A-S., Sikora, M., Nielsen, R., Song, YS., Meltzer, DJ. and Willerslev, E., 2018. Early human dispersals within the Americas. Science, v. 362
  • Mirazón Lahr, M., 2018. The not-so-dangerous lives of Neanderthals. Nature, v. 563
  • McColl, H., Racimo, F., Vinner, L., Demeter, F., Víctor Moreno Mayar, J., Wilken, UG., Seguin-Orlando, A., Fuente Castro, CDL., Wasef, S., Prohaska, A., Margarayan, A., Barros Damgaard, PD., Shoocongdej, R., Souksavatdy, V., Sayavongkhamdy, T., Saidin, MM., Kaewsutthi, S., Lertrit, P., Nguyen, HM., Hung, H-C., Tran, TM., Truong, HN., Shahidan, S., Wiradnyana, K., Bacon, A-M., Duringer, P., Ponche, J-L., Shackelford, L., Patole-Edoumba, E., Nguyen, AT., Bellina-Pryce, B., Galipaud, J-C., Kinaston, R., Buckley, H., Pottier, C., Rasmussen, S., Higham, T., Foley, R., Lahr, MM., Orlando, L., Sikora, M., Higham, C., Lambert, D. and Willerslev, E., 2018. Ancient Genomics Reveals Four Prehistoric Migration Waves into Southeast Asia
  • Jagoda, E., Lawson, DJ., Wall, JD., Lambert, D., Muller, C., Westaway, M., Leavesley, M., Capellini, TD., Mirazón Lahr, M., Gerbault, P., Thomas, MG., Migliano, AB., Willerslev, E., Metspalu, M. and Pagani, L., 2018. Disentangling Immediate Adaptive Introgression from Selection on Standing Introgressed Variation in Humans. Mol Biol Evol, v. 35
  • Roberts, P., Gillingwater, TH., Mirazon Lahr, M., Lee-Thorp, J., MacCallum, M., Petraglia, M., Wedage, O., Heenbanda, U. and Wainnya-laeto, U., 2018. Historical Tropical Forest Reliance amongst the Wanniyalaeto (Vedda) of Sri Lanka: an Isotopic Perspective Human Ecology,
  • Mounier, A., Correia, M., Rivera, F., Crivellaro, F., Power, R., Jeffery, J., Wilshaw, A., Foley, RA. and Mirazón Lahr, M., 2018. Who were the Nataruk people? Mandibular morphology among late Pleistocene and early Holocene fisher-forager populations of West Turkana (Kenya). J Hum Evol, v. 121
  • Sikora, M., Pitulko, V., Sousa, V., Allentoft, M., Vinner, L., Rasmussen, S., Margaryan, A., de Barros Damgaard, P., de la Fuente Castro, C., Renaud, G., Yang, M., Fu, Q., Dupanloup, I., Giampoudakis, K., Bravo Nogues, D., Rahbek, C., Kroonen, G., Peyrot, M., McColl, H., Vasilyev, S., Veselovskaya, E., Gerasimova, M., Pavlova, E., Chasnyk, V., Nikolskiy, P., Grebenyuk, P., Fedorchenko, AY., Lebedintsev, A., Slobodin, S., Malyarchuk, B., Martiniano, R., Meldgaard, M., Arppe, L., Palo, J., Sundell, T., Mannermaa, K., Putkonen, M., Alexandersen, V., Primeau, C., Mahli, R., Sjögren, K-G., Kristiansen, K., Wessman, A., Sajantila, A., Lahr, MM., Durbin, R., Nielsen, R., Meltzer, D., Excoffier, L. and Willerslev, E., 2018. The population history of northeastern Siberia since the Pleistocene
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Loog, L., Mirazón Lahr, M., Kovacevic, M., Manica, A., Eriksson, A. and Thomas, MG., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Estimating mobility using sparse data: Application to human genetic variation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v. 114
  • 2017

  • Rivera, F. and Mirazon Lahr, M., 2017. New evidence suggesting a dissociated etiology for cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis American Journal of Physical Anthropology, v. 164
  • Wilshaw, A., Muwonge, H., Rivera, and Mirazon Lahr, M., 2017. Aliel: A mid-Holocene stone platform with cairn and single pillar in West Turkana, Kenya Nyame Akuma, v. 86
  • Pomeroy, E., Mirazon Lahr, M., Crivellaro, F., Farr, L., Hunt, CO., Reynolds, T. and Barker, GWW., 2017. Newly-discovered Neanderthal remains from Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan, and their attribution to Shanidar 5 Journal of Human Evolution, v. 111
  • Sikora, M., Seguin-Orlando, A., Sousa, VC., Albrechtsen, A., Korneliussen, T., Ko, A., Rasmussen, S., Dupanloup, I., Nigst, PR., Bosch, MD., Renaud, G., Allentoft, ME., Margaryan, A., Vasilyev, SV., Veselovskaya, EV., Borutskaya, SB., Deviese, T., Comeskey, D., Higham, T., Manica, A., Foley, RA., Meltzer, DJ., Nielsen, R., Excoffier, L., Mirazon Lahr, M., Orlando, L. and Willerslev, E., 2017. Ancient genomes show social and reproductive behavior of early Upper Palaeolithic foragers Science, v. 358
  • 2016

  • Mirazón Lahr, M., Rivera, F., Power, RK., Mounier, A., Copsey, B., Crivellaro, F., Edung, JE., Maillo Fernandez, JM., Kiarie, C., Lawrence, J., Leakey, A., Mbua, E., Miller, H., Muigai, A., Mukhongo, DM., Van Baelen, A., Wood, R., Schwenninger, J-L., Grün, R., Achyuthan, H., Wilshaw, A. and Foley, RA., 2016. Inter-group violence among early Holocene hunter-gatherers of West Turkana, Kenya. Nature, v. 529
  • Wilshaw, A., Muwonge, H., Rivera, F. and Mirazon Lahr, M., 2016. Aliel: A mid-Holocene stone platform with cairn and single pillar in West Turkana, Kenya Nyame Akuma, v. 2016-December
  • Mounier, A. and Mirazón Lahr, M., 2016. Virtual ancestor reconstruction: Revealing the ancestor of modern humans and Neandertals. J Hum Evol, v. 91
  • Foley, RA., Martin, L., Mirazón Lahr, M. and Stringer, C., 2016. Major transitions in human evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences, v. 371
  • Mirazón Lahr, M., 2016. The shaping of human diversity: filters, boundaries and transitions. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, v. 371
  • Malaspinas, A-S., Westaway, MC., Muller, C., Sousa, VC., Lao, O., Alves, I., Bergström, A., Athanasiadis, G., Cheng, JY., Crawford, JE., Heupink, TH., Macholdt, E., Peischl, S., Rasmussen, S., Schiffels, S., Subramanian, S., Wright, JL., Albrechtsen, A., Barbieri, C., Dupanloup, I., Eriksson, A., Margaryan, A., Moltke, I., Pugach, I., Korneliussen, TS., Levkivskyi, IP., Moreno-Mayar, JV., Ni, S., Racimo, F., Sikora, M., Xue, Y., Aghakhanian, FA., Brucato, N., Brunak, S., Campos, PF., Clark, W., Ellingvåg, S., Fourmile, G., Gerbault, P., Injie, D., Koki, G., Leavesley, M., Logan, B., Lynch, A., Matisoo-Smith, EA., McAllister, PJ., Mentzer, AJ., Metspalu, M., Migliano, AB., Murgha, L., Phipps, ME., Pomat, W., Reynolds, D., Ricaut, F-X., Siba, P., Thomas, MG., Wales, T., Wall, CM., Oppenheimer, SJ., Tyler-Smith, C., Durbin, R., Dortch, J., Manica, A., Schierup, MH., Foley, RA., Lahr, MM., Bowern, C., Wall, JD., Mailund, T., Stoneking, M., Nielsen, R., Sandhu, MS., Excoffier, L., Lambert, DM. and Willerslev, E., 2016. A genomic history of Aboriginal Australia. Nature, v. 538
  • Pagani, L., Lawson, DJ., Jagoda, E., Mörseburg, A., Eriksson, A., Mitt, M., Clemente, F., Hudjashov, G., DeGiorgio, M., Saag, L., Wall, JD., Cardona, A., Mägi, R., Wilson Sayres, MA., Kaewert, S., Inchley, C., Scheib, CL., Järve, M., Karmin, M., Jacobs, GS., Antao, T., Iliescu, FM., Kushniarevich, A., Ayub, Q., Tyler-Smith, C., Xue, Y., Yunusbayev, B., Tambets, K., Mallick, CB., Saag, L., Pocheshkhova, E., Andriadze, G., Muller, C., Westaway, MC., Lambert, DM., Zoraqi, G., Turdikulova, S., Dalimova, D., Sabitov, Z., Sultana, GNN., Lachance, J., Tishkoff, S., Momynaliev, K., Isakova, J., Damba, LD., Gubina, M., Nymadawa, P., Evseeva, I., Atramentova, L., Utevska, O., Ricaut, F-X., Brucato, N., Sudoyo, H., Letellier, T., Cox, MP., Barashkov, NA., Skaro, V., Mulahasanovic, L., Primorac, D., Sahakyan, H., Mormina, M., Eichstaedt, CA., Lichman, DV., Abdullah, S., Chaubey, G., Wee, JTS., Mihailov, E., Karunas, A., Litvinov, S., Khusainova, R., Ekomasova, N., Akhmetova, V., Khidiyatova, I., Marjanović, D., Yepiskoposyan, L., Behar, DM., Balanovska, E., Metspalu, A., Derenko, M., Malyarchuk, B., Voevoda, M., Fedorova, SA., Osipova, LP., Lahr, MM., Gerbault, P., Leavesley, M., Migliano, AB., Petraglia, M., Balanovsky, O., Khusnutdinova, EK., Metspalu, E., Thomas, MG., Manica, A., Nielsen, R., Villems, R., Willerslev, E., Kivisild, T. and Metspalu, M., 2016. Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia. Nature, v. 538
  • Mirazon Lahr, M., Rivera, F., Power, RK., Mounier, A., Copsey, B., Crivellaro, F., Edung, JE., Maillo Fernandez, JM., Kiarie, C., Lawrence, J., Leakey, A., Mbua, E., Miller, H., Muigai, A., Mukhongo, DM., Van Baelen, A., Wood, R., Schwenninger, J-L., Grün, R., Achyuthan, H., Wilshaw, A. and Foley, R., 2016. Mirazón Lahr et al. reply. Nature, v. 539
  • Mirazon Lahr, MB., Rivera, F., Power, RK., Mounier, A., Copsey, B., Crivellaro, F., Edung, JE., Maillo Fernandez, JM., Kiarie, C., Lawrence, J., Leakey, A., Mbua, E., Miller, H., Muigai, A., Mukhongo, DM., Van Baelen, A., Wood, R., Schwenninger, J-L., Grün, R., Achyuthan, H., Wilshaw, A. and Foley, RA., 2016. Reply to Stojanowski et al. Nature,
  • 2015

  • Foley, RA. and Lahr, MM., 2015. Lithic landscapes: early human impact from stone tool production on the central Saharan environment. PLoS One, v. 10
  • Rasmussen, S., Allentoft, ME., Nielsen, K., Orlando, L., Sikora, M., Sjögren, K-G., Pedersen, AG., Schubert, M., Van Dam, A., Kapel, CMO., Nielsen, HB., Brunak, S., Avetisyan, P., Epimakhov, A., Khalyapin, MV., Gnuni, A., Kriiska, A., Lasak, I., Metspalu, M., Moiseyev, V., Gromov, A., Pokutta, D., Saag, L., Varul, L., Yepiskoposyan, L., Sicheritz-Pontén, T., Foley, RA., Lahr, MM., Nielsen, R., Kristiansen, K. and Willerslev, E., 2015. Early divergent strains of Yersinia pestis in Eurasia 5,000 years ago. Cell, v. 163
  • De Souza, RG. and Mirazón Lahr, M., 2015. Climatic correlates of human subsistence: A global analysis Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, v. 13
  • 2014

  • Chaubey, G., Singh, M., Crivellaro, F., Tamang, R., Nandan, A., Singh, K., Sharma, VK., Pathak, AK., Shah, AM., Sharma, V., Singh, VK., Selvi Rani, D., Rai, N., Kushniarevich, A., Ilumäe, A-M., Karmin, M., Phillip, A., Verma, A., Prank, E., Singh, VK., Li, B., Govindaraj, P., Chaubey, AK., Dubey, PK., Reddy, AG., Premkumar, K., Vishnupriya, S., Pande, V., Parik, J., Rootsi, S., Endicott, P., Metspalu, M., Lahr, MM., van Driem, G., Villems, R., Kivisild, T., Singh, L. and Thangaraj, K., 2014. Unravelling the distinct strains of Tharu ancestry. Eur J Hum Genet, v. 22
  • Foley, R. and Lahr, MM., 2014. The role of "the aquatic" in human evolution: constraining the aquatic ape hypothesis. Evol Anthropol, v. 23
  • Nikita, E., Mattingly, D. and Lahr, MM., 2014. Dental indicators of adaptation in the Sahara Desert during the Late Holocene. Homo, v. 65
  • Raghavan, M., DeGiorgio, M., Albrechtsen, A., Moltke, I., Skoglund, P., Korneliussen, TS., Grønnow, B., Appelt, M., Gulløv, HC., Friesen, TM., Fitzhugh, W., Malmström, H., Rasmussen, S., Olsen, J., Melchior, L., Fuller, BT., Fahrni, SM., Stafford, T., Grimes, V., Renouf, MAP., Cybulski, J., Lynnerup, N., Lahr, MM., Britton, K., Knecht, R., Arneborg, J., Metspalu, M., Cornejo, OE., Malaspinas, A-S., Wang, Y., Rasmussen, M., Raghavan, V., Hansen, TVO., Khusnutdinova, E., Pierre, T., Dneprovsky, K., Andreasen, C., Lange, H., Hayes, MG., Coltrain, J., Spitsyn, VA., Götherström, A., Orlando, L., Kivisild, T., Villems, R., Crawford, MH., Nielsen, FC., Dissing, J., Heinemeier, J., Meldgaard, M., Bustamante, C., O'Rourke, DH., Jakobsson, M., Gilbert, MTP., Nielsen, R. and Willerslev, E., 2014. The genetic prehistory of the New World Arctic. Science, v. 345
  • Seguin-Orlando, A., Korneliussen, TS., Sikora, M., Malaspinas, A-S., Manica, A., Moltke, I., Albrechtsen, A., Ko, A., Margaryan, A., Moiseyev, V., Goebel, T., Westaway, M., Lambert, D., Khartanovich, V., Wall, JD., Nigst, PR., Foley, RA., Lahr, MM., Nielsen, R., Orlando, L. and Willerslev, E., 2014. Paleogenomics. Genomic structure in Europeans dating back at least 36,200 years. Science, v. 346
  • Malaspinas, A-S., Lao, O., Schroeder, H., Rasmussen, M., Raghavan, M., Moltke, I., Campos, PF., Sagredo, FS., Rasmussen, S., Gonçalves, VF., Albrechtsen, A., Allentoft, ME., Johnson, PLF., Li, M., Reis, S., Bernardo, DV., DeGiorgio, M., Duggan, AT., Bastos, M., Wang, Y., Stenderup, J., Moreno-Mayar, JV., Brunak, S., Sicheritz-Ponten, T., Hodges, E., Hannon, GJ., Orlando, L., Price, TD., Jensen, JD., Nielsen, R., Heinemeier, J., Olsen, J., Rodrigues-Carvalho, C., Lahr, MM., Neves, WA., Kayser, M., Higham, T., Stoneking, M., Pena, SDJ. and Willerslev, E., 2014. Two ancient human genomes reveal Polynesian ancestry among the indigenous Botocudos of Brazil. Curr Biol, v. 24
  • 2013

  • Nikita, E., Mattingly, D. and Lahr, MM., 2013. Methodological considerations in the statistical analysis of degenerative joint and disc disease International Journal of Paleopathology,
  • Nikita, E., Lahr, MM. and Mattingly, D., 2013. Evidence of trephinations among the garamantes, a late holocene Saharan population International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, v. 23
  • Raj, SM., Halebeedu, P., Kadandale, JS., Mirazon Lahr, M., Gallego Romero, I., Yadhav, JR., Iliescu, M., Rai, N., Crivellaro, F., Chaubey, G., Villems, R., Thangaraj, K., Muniyappa, K., Chandra, HS. and Kivisild, T., 2013. Variation at diabetes- and obesity-associated Loci may mirror neutral patterns of human population diversity and diabetes prevalence in India. Ann Hum Genet, v. 77
  • Nikita, E., Mattingly, D. and Lahr, MM., 2013. Methodological considerations in the statistical analysis of degenerative joint and disc disease International Journal of Paleopathology, v. 3
  • Basu Mallick, C., Iliescu, FM., Möls, M., Hill, S., Tamang, R., Chaubey, G., Goto, R., Ho, SYW., Gallego Romero, I., Crivellaro, F., Hudjashov, G., Rai, N., Metspalu, M., Mascie-Taylor, CGN., Pitchappan, R., Singh, L., Mirazon-Lahr, M., Thangaraj, K., Villems, R. and Kivisild, T., 2013. The light skin allele of SLC24A5 in South Asians and Europeans shares identity by descent. PLoS Genet, v. 9
  • Migliano, AB., Romero, IG., Metspalu, M., Leavesley, M., Pagani, L., Antao, T., Huang, D-W., Sherman, BT., Siddle, K., Scholes, C., Hudjashov, G., Kaitokai, E., Babalu, A., Belatti, M., Cagan, A., Hopkinshaw, B., Shaw, C., Nelis, M., Metspalu, E., Mägi, R., Lempicki, RA., Villems, R., Lahr, MM. and Kivisild, T., 2013. Evolution of the pygmy phenotype: evidence of positive selection fro genome-wide scans in African, Asian, and Melanesian pygmies. Hum Biol, v. 85
  • Foley, RA., MAILLO-FERNANDEZ, J. and MIRAZON LAHR, M., 2013. The Middle Stone Age of the Central Sahara: biogeographical opportunities and technological strategies in later human evolution Quaternary International,
  • 2012

  • Nikita, E., Mattingly, D. and Lahr, MM., 2012. Three-dimensional cranial shape analyses and gene flow in North Africa during the Middle to Late Holocene Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v. 31
  • Gallego Romero, I., Basu Mallick, C., Liebert, A., Crivellaro, F., Chaubey, G., Itan, Y., Metspalu, M., Eaaswarkhanth, M., Pitchappan, R., Villems, R., Reich, D., Singh, L., Thangaraj, K., Thomas, MG., Swallow, DM., Mirazón Lahr, M. and Kivisild, T., 2012. Herders of Indian and European cattle share their predominant allele for lactase persistence. Mol Biol Evol, v. 29
  • Nikita, E., Mattingly, D. and Lahr, MM., 2012. Sahara: Barrier or corridor? Nonmetric cranial traits and biological affinities of North African late Holocene populations. Am J Phys Anthropol, v. 147
  • Nikita, E., Mattingly, D. and Lahr, MM., 2012. Sahara: Barrier or corridor? Nonmetric cranial traits and biological affinities of North African late holocene populations American Journal of Physical Anthropology, v. 147
  • Nikita, E., Mattingly, D. and Lahr, MM., 2012. Three-dimensional cranial shape analyses and gene flow in North Africa during the Middle to Late Holocene Journal of Anthropological Archaeology,
  • Mirazon Lahr, MB., Foley, RA. and Maillo Fernandez, JM., 2012. The Middle Stone Age of the Central Sahara: Biogeographical opportunities and technological strategies in later human evolution Quaternary International,
  • 2011 (No publication date)

  • Mirazon Lahr, MB. and Field, JS., 2011 (No publication date). Assessment of the southern dispersal: GIS-based analyses of potential routes at oxygen isotopic stage 4. Journal of World Prehistory, v. 9
  • 2011

  • Chaubey, G., Metspalu, M., Choi, Y., Mägi, R., Romero, IG., Soares, P., Van Oven, M., Behar, DM., Rootsi, S., Hudjashov, G., Mallick, CB., Karmin, M., Nelis, M., Parik, J., Reddy, AG., Metspalu, E., Van Driem, G., Xue, Y., Tyler-Smith, C., Thangaraj, K., Singh, L., Remm, M., Richards, MB., Lahr, MM., Kayser, M., Villems, R. and Kivisild, T., 2011. Population genetic structure in indian austroasiatic speakers: The role of landscape barriers and sex-specific admixture Molecular Biology and Evolution, v. 28
  • Scholes, C., Siddle, K., Ducourneau, A., Crivellaro, F., Järve, M., Rootsi, S., Bellatti, M., Tabbada, K., Mormina, M., Reidla, M., Villems, R., Kivisild, T., Lahr, MM. and Migliano, AB., 2011. Genetic diversity and evidence for population admixture in Batak Negritos from Palawan. Am J Phys Anthropol, v. 146
  • Foley, RA. and Lahr, MM., 2011. The evolution of the diversity of cultures. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, v. 366
  • Nikita, E., Lahr, MM. and Mattingly, D., 2011. Evidence of Trephinations among the Garamantes, a Late Holocene Saharan Population International Journal of Osteoarchaeology,
  • Scholes, C., Siddle, K., Ducourneau, A., Crivellaro, F., Järve, M., Rootsi, S., Bellatti, M., Tabbada, K., Mormina, M., Reidla, M., Villems, R., Kivisild, T., Lahr, MM. and Migliano, AB., 2011. Genetic diversity and evidence for population admixture in Batak Negritos from Palawan American Journal of Physical Anthropology, v. 146
  • Lahr, MM., Foley, R., Crivellaro, F., Fernandez, JM., Wilshaw, A., Copsey, B., Rivera, F. and Mattingly, D., 2011. DMP XIV: Prehistoric sites in the Wadi Barjuj, Fazzan, Libyan Sahara Libyan Studies, v. 42
    Doi: 10.1017/s0263718900004866
  • Nikita, E. and Lahr, MM., 2011. Simple algorithms for the estimation of the initial number of individuals in commingled skeletal remains. Am J Phys Anthropol, v. 146
  • Rasmussen, M., Guo, X., Wang, Y., Lohmueller, KE., Rasmussen, S., Albrechtsen, A., Skotte, L., Lindgreen, S., Metspalu, M., Jombart, T., Kivisild, T., Zhai, W., Eriksson, A., Manica, A., Orlando, L., De La Vega, FM., Tridico, S., Metspalu, E., Nielsen, K., Ávila-Arcos, MC., Moreno-Mayar, JV., Muller, C., Dortch, J., Gilbert, MTP., Lund, O., Wesolowska, A., Karmin, M., Weinert, LA., Wang, B., Li, J., Tai, S., Xiao, F., Hanihara, T., van Driem, G., Jha, AR., Ricaut, F-X., de Knijff, P., Migliano, AB., Gallego Romero, I., Kristiansen, K., Lambert, DM., Brunak, S., Forster, P., Brinkmann, B., Nehlich, O., Bunce, M., Richards, M., Gupta, R., Bustamante, CD., Krogh, A., Foley, RA., Lahr, MM., Balloux, F., Sicheritz-Pontén, T., Villems, R., Nielsen, R., Wang, J. and Willerslev, E., 2011. An Aboriginal Australian genome reveals separate human dispersals into Asia. Science, v. 334
  • Nikita, E., Siew, YY., Stock, J., Mattingly, D. and Lahr, MM., 2011. Activity patterns in the Sahara Desert: an interpretation based on cross-sectional geometric properties. Am J Phys Anthropol, v. 146
  • Nikita, E. and Lahr, MM., 2011. Simple algorithms for the estimation of the initial number of individuals in commingled skeletal remains American Journal of Physical Anthropology, v. 146
  • Mattingly, D., Abduli, H., Ahmed, M., Cole, F., Fenwick, C., Fothergill, BT., Rodriguez, MG., Hobson, M., Khalaf, N., Lahr, M., Moussa, F., Nikita, E., Nikolaus, J., Radini, A., Ray, N., Savage, T., Sterry, M. and Wilson, A., 2011. DMP XII: Excavations and Survey of the so-called Garamantian Royal Cemetery (GSC030–031) Libyan Studies, v. 42
    Doi: 10.1017/s0263718900004842
  • Rasmussen, M., Guo, X., Wang, Y., Lohmueller, KE., Rasmussen, S., Albrechtsen, A., Skotte, L., Lindgreen, S., Metspalu, M., Jombart, T., Kivisild, T., Zhai, W., Eriksson, A., Manica, A., Orlando, L., de la Vega, F., Tridico, S., Metspalu, E., Nielsen, K., ávila-Arcos, MC., Víctor Moreno-Mayar, J., Muller, C., Dortch, J., Gilbert, MTP., Lund, O., Wesolowska, A., Karmin, M., Weinert, LA., Wang, B., Li, J., Tai, S., Xiao, F., Hanihara, T., van Driem, G., Jha, AR., Ricaut, F., De knijff, P., B migliano, A., Gallego-Romero, I., Kristiansen, K., Lambert, DM., Brunak, S., Forster, P., Brinkmann, B., Nehlich, O., Bunce, M., Richards, M., Gupta, R., Bustamante, CD., Krogh, A., Foley, RA., Lahr, MM., Balloux, F., Sicheritz-Pontén, T., Villems, R., Nielsen, R., Jun, W. and Willerslev, E., 2011. An Aboriginal Australian Genome Reveals Separate Human Dispersals into Asia Science,
  • Chaubey, G., Metspalu, M., Choi, Y., Mägi, R., Romero, IG., Soares, P., van Oven, M., Behar, DM., Rootsi, S., Hudjashov, G., Mallick, CB., Karmin, M., Nelis, M., Parik, J., Reddy, AG., Metspalu, E., van Driem, G., Xue, Y., Tyler-Smith, C., Thangaraj, K., Singh, L., Remm, M., Richards, MB., Lahr, MM., Kayser, M., Villems, R. and Kivisild, T., 2011. Population genetic structure in Indian Austroasiatic speakers: the role of landscape barriers and sex-specific admixture. Mol Biol Evol, v. 28
  • 2010

  • Tabbada, KA., Trejaut, J., Loo, J-H., Chen, Y-M., Lin, M., Mirazón-Lahr, M., Kivisild, T. and De Ungria, MCA., 2010. Philippine mitochondrial DNA diversity: a populated viaduct between Taiwan and Indonesia? Mol Biol Evol, v. 27
  • Tabbada, KA., Trejaut, J., Loo, JH., Chen, YM., Lin, M., Mirazón-Lahr, M., Kivisild, T. and De Ungria, MCA., 2010. Erratum: Philippine mitochondrial DNA diversity: A populated viaduct between Taiwan and Indonesia? (Molecular Biology and Evolution (2010) 27 (21-31) DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msp215) Molecular Biology and Evolution, v. 27
  • Mattingly, D., Abduli, H., Aburgheba, H., Ahmed, M., Esmaia, MAA., Baker, S., Cole, F., Fenwick, C., Rodriguez, MG., Hobson, M., Khalaf, N., Lahr, M., Leitch, V., Moussa, F., Nikita, E., Parker, D., Radini, A., Ray, N., Savage, T., Sterry, M. and Schörle, K., 2010. DMP IX: Summary Report on the Fourth Season of Excavations of the Burials and Identity team Libyan Studies, v. 41
    Doi: 10.1017/s0263718900000285
  • Migliano, AB., Vinicius, L. and Lahr, MM., 2010. Why Are Pygmies So Short? A Defense of Migliano's Hypothesis HUM BIOL, v. 82
  • Pomeroy, E., Stock, JT., Zakrzewski, SR. and Lahr, MM., 2010. A Metric Study of Three Types of Artificial Cranial Modification from North-Central Peru INT J OSTEOARCHAEOL, v. 20
  • Ricaut, FX., Thomas, T., Mormina, M., Cox, MP., Bellatti, M., Foley, RA. and Mirazon-Lahr, M., 2010. Ancient Solomon Islands mtDNA: assessing Holocene settlement and the impact of European contact J ARCHAEOL SCI, v. 37
  • Mirazon Lahr, MB., Foley, R., Crivellaro, F., Fernandez, J., Wilshaw, A., Purdon, A., Halladay-Garrett, C., Veldhuis, D. and Mattingly, D., 2010. DMP XI: Preliminary results from 2010 fieldwork on the human prehistory of the Libyan Sahara Libyan Studies, v. 41
  • 2009

  • Mirazon Lahr, MB., Ricaut, F-X., Thomas, T., Mormina, M., Cox, MP., Belatti, M. and Foley, RA., 2009. Ancient Solomon Islands mtDNA: assessing Holocene settlement and the impact of European contact Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 37
  • Petraglia, M., Clarkson, C., Boivin, N., Haslam, M., Korisettar, R., Chaubey, G., Ditchfield, P., Fuller, D., James, H., Jones, S., Kivisild, T., Koshy, J., Lahr, MM., Metspalu, M., Roberts, R. and Arnold, L., 2009. Population increase and environmental deterioration correspond with microlithic innovations in South Asia ca. 35,000 years ago. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, v. 106
  • Lahr, MM., Foley, R., Crivellaro, F., Okumura, M., Maher, L., Davies, T., Veldhuis, D., Wilshaw, A. and Mattingly, D., 2009. DMP VI: Preliminary results from 2009 fieldwork on the human prehistory of the Libyan Sahara Libyan Studies, v. 40
    Doi: 10.1017/s0263718900004532
  • Mattingly, D., Lahr, M., Wilson, A., Abduli, H., Ahmed, M., Baker, S., Cole, F., Rodriguez, MG., Hobson, M., Leitch, V., Moussa, F., Nikita, E., Radini, A., Reeds, I., Savage, T. and Sterry, M., 2009. DMP V: Investigations in 2009 of Cemeteries and Related Sites on the West Side of the Taqallit Promontory Libyan Studies, v. 40
    Doi: 10.1017/s0263718900004520
  • Ricaut, F-X., Razafindrazaka, H., Cox, MP., Dugoujon, J-M., Guitard, E., Sambo, C., Mormina, M., Mirazon-Lahr, M., Ludes, B. and Crubézy, E., 2009. A new deep branch of eurasian mtDNA macrohaplogroup M reveals additional complexity regarding the settlement of Madagascar. BMC Genomics, v. 10
  • 2008

  • Ricaut, FX., Thomas, T., Arganini, C., Staughton, J., Leavesley, M., Bellatti, M., Foley, R. and Lahr, MM., 2008. Mitochondrial DNA variation in Karkar Islanders ANN HUM GENET, v. 72
  • Lahr, MM., Foley, R., Armitage, S., Barton, H., Crivellaro, F., Drake, N., Hounslow, M., Maher, L., Mattingly, D., Salem, M., Stock, J. and White, K., 2008. DMP III: Pleistocene and Holocene palaeonvironments and prehistoric occupation of Fazzan, Libyan Sahara Libyan Studies, v. 39
    Doi: 10.1017/s0263718900010098
  • 2007

  • Field, JS., Petraglia, MD. and Lahr, MM., 2007. The southern dispersal hypothesis and the South Asian archaeological record: Examination of dispersal routes through GIS analysis J ANTHROPOL ARCHAEOL, v. 26
  • Petraglia, M., Korisettar, R., Boivin, N., Clarkson, C., Ditchfield, P., Jones, S., Koshy, J., Lahr, MM., Oppenheimer, C., Pyle, D., Roberts, R., Schwenninger, J-L., Arnold, L. and White, K., 2007. Middle Paleolithic assemblages from the Indian subcontinent before and after the Toba super-eruption. Science, v. 317
  • Foley, RA. and Mirazón Lahr, M., 2007. Ancient DNA closes on human uniqueness: The base nature of Neanderthals Heredity, v. 98
  • von Cramon-Taubadel, N., Frazier, BC. and Lahr, MM., 2007. The problem of assessing landmark error in geometric morphometrics: Methods and modifications AM J PHYS ANTHROPOL,
  • Stock, JT. and Lahr, MM., 2007. Climate, human dispersals, and adaptation in body size and physique among indigenous populations of the Americas and Siberia. AM J PHYS ANTHROPOL,
  • Foley, RA. and Lahr, MM., 2007. The base nature of Neanderthals HEREDITY, v. 98
  • Migliano, AB., Vinicius, L. and Lahr, MM., 2007. Life history trade-offs explain the evolution of human pygmies. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, v. 104
  • Mattingly, D., Lahr, M., Armitage, S., Barton, H., Dore, J., Drake, N., Foley, R., Merlo, S., Salem, M., Stock, J., White, K., Ahmed, M., Cole, F., Crivellaro, F., Rodriguez, MG., Guagnin, M., Jones, S., Karloukovski, V., Leitch, V., Maher, L., Moussa, F., Radini, A., Reeds, I., Savage, T. and Sterry, M., 2007. Desert Migrations: people, environment and culture in the Libyan Sahara Libyan Studies, v. 38
    Doi: 10.1017/s0263718900004283
  • von Cramon-Taubadel, N., Frazier, BC. and Lahr, MM., 2007. The problem of assessing landmark error in geometric morphometrics: theory, methods, and modifications. Am J Phys Anthropol, v. 134
  • 2006

  • Cox, MP. and Lahr, MM., 2006. Y-chromosome diversity is inversely associated with language affiliation in paired Austronesian- and Papuan-speaking communities from Solomon Islands AM J HUM BIOL, v. 18
  • Clarkson, C., Vinicius, L. and Lahr, MM., 2006. Quantifying flake scar patterning on cores using 3D recording techniques J ARCHAEOL SCI, v. 33
  • Ricaut, F-X., Bellatti, M. and Lahr, MM., 2006. Ancient mitochondrial DNA from Malaysian hair samples: some indications of Southeast Asian population movements. Am J Hum Biol, v. 18
  • 2005

  • Gonzalez-Jose, R., Neves, W., Lahr, MM., Gonzalez, S., Pucciarelli, H., Martinez, MH. and Correal, G., 2005. Late Pleistocene/Holocene craniofacial morphology in mesoamerican paleoindians: Implications for the peopling of the new world AM J PHYS ANTHROPOL, v. 128
  • Vinicius, L. and Lahr, MM., 2005. A growth study of Japanese descendants from Sao Paulo, Brazil ANTHROPOL SCI, v. 113
  • 2004

  • Lahr, MM. and Foley, R., 2004. Human evolution writ small Nature, v. 431
  • Bateson, P., Barker, D., Clutton-Brock, T., Deb, D., D'Udine, B., Foley, RA., Gluckman, P., Godfrey, K., Kirkwood, T., Lahr, MM., McNamara, J., Metcalfe, NB., Monaghan, P., Spencer, HG. and Sultan, SE., 2004. Developmental plasticity and human health NATURE, v. 430
  • Lahr, MM. and Foley, RA., 2004. Palaeoanthropology: Human evolution writ small Nature, v. 431
  • 2003

  • Mirazón Lahr, M. and Vinicius, L., 2003. Morphometric heterochrony and the evolution of growth. Evolution, v. 57
  • Foley, R. and Lahr, MM., 2003. On stony ground: Lithic technology, human evolution, and the emergence of culture EVOL ANTHROPOL, v. 12
  • Vinicius, L. and Lahr, MM., 2003. Morphometric heterochrony and the evolution of growth. Evolution, v. 57
  • 2001

  • Castilho, LV. and Lahr, MM., 2001. Secular trends in growth among urban Brazilian children of European descent. Ann Hum Biol, v. 28
  • Foley, RA., Cavalli-Sforza, LL., Mirazón Lahr, M., Passarino, G., Lin, AA., Shen, P. and Oefner, PJ., 2001. The phylogeography of Y chromosome binary haplotypes and the origins of modern human populations. Annals of Human Genetics, v. 65
  • Underhill, PA., Passarino, G., Lin, AA., Shen, P., Lahr, MM., Foley, RA., Oefner, PJ. and Cavalli-Sforza, LL., 2001. The phylogeography of Y chromosome binary haplotypes and the origins of modern human populations ANN HUM GENET, v. 65
  • Lahr, MM., 2001. In the footsteps of eve: The mystery of human origin EVOL ANTHROPOL, v. 10
  • Lahr, MM., 2001. Adventures in the bone trade: The race to discover human ancestors in Ethiopia's afar depression EVOL ANTHROPOL, v. 10
  • Auerbach, BM. and Lahr, MM., 2001. Variation in a pre-industrial population: occupation and stature in early twentieth century Crete. AM J PHYS ANTHROPOL,
  • 2000

  • Lahr, MM., 2000. Migration and colonization in human microevolution SCIENCE, v. 289
  • 1998

  • Lahr, MM. and Foley, RA., 1998. Towards a theory of modern human origins: Geography, demography, and diversity in recent human evolution YEARB PHYS ANTHROPOL, v. 41
  • Lahr, MM. and Foley, RA., 1998. Towards a Theory of Modern Human Origins: Geography, Demography, and Diversity in Recent Human Evolution Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, v. 41
  • 1997 (Published online)

  • Eggers, S. and Lahr, MM., 1997 (Published online). Subsistência e clima na adaptação dos aborígenes da Terra do Fogo Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia,
    Doi: 10.11606/issn.2448-1750.revmae.1997.109314
  • 1997

  • Lahr, MM., 1997. History in the bones Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews, v. 6
    Doi: 10.1002/(sici)1520-6505(1997)6:1<2::aid-evan2>;2-k
  • Foley, R. and Lahr, MM., 1997. Mode 3 technologies and the evolution of modern humans CAMB ARCHAEOL J, v. 7
  • 1996

  • Lahr, MM. and Wright, RVS., 1996. The question of robusticity and the relationship between cranial size and shape in Homo sapiens J HUM EVOL, v. 31
  • 1995

  • Lahr, MM., 1995. Patterns of modern human diversification: Implications for Amerindian origins YEARB PHYS ANTHROPOL, v. 38
  • 1994

  • Lahr, MM. and Foley, R., 1994. Multiple dispersals and modern human origins Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews, v. 3
  • 1992

  • 1990

  • Magenis, RE., Toth-Fejel, S., Allen, LJ., Black, M., Brown, MG., Budden, S., Cohen, R., Friedman, JM., Kalousek, D. and Zonana, J., 1990. Comparison of the 15q deletions in Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes: specific regions, extent of deletions, parental origin, and clinical consequences. Am J Med Genet, v. 35
  • 1986

  • Smith, AC., McGavran, L., Robinson, J., Waldstein, G., Macfarlane, J., Zonona, J., Reiss, J., Lahr, M., Allen, L. and Magenis, E., 1986. Interstitial deletion of (17)(p11.2p11.2) in nine patients. Am J Med Genet, v. 24
  • Book chapters

    2022 (Accepted for publication)

  • Mirazon Lahr, M., Beaudet, A. and Hill, H., 2022 (Accepted for publication). Brain evolution and language: A comparative 3D analysis of Wernicke's area in extand and fossil hominids
  • 2020

  • Mirazon Lahr, MB. and Foley, RA., 2020. Variable cognition in the evolution of Homo: biology and behaviour in the African Middle Stone Age
  • Foley, RA. and Lahr, MM., 2020. Variable Cognition in the Evolution of Homo:
    Doi: 10.2307/j.ctvx5w983.12
  • 2019

  • Bosman, AM., Reyes-Centeno, H., Mirazon Lahr, M., Stringer, C. and Harvati, K., 2019. The Kabua 1 cranium: Virtual anatomical reconstructions
  • Power, R., Nikita, E., Mattingly, D., Mirazon Lahr, M. and O'Connell, T., 2019. Human Mobility and Identity: Variation, Diet and Migration in Relation to the Garamantes of Fazzan
  • 2018

  • Wilshaw, A. and Lahr, MM., 2018. The later prehistory of the turkana basin
  • Wilshaw, A. and Lahr, MM., 2018. Hominins and first humans in the lower omo valley
  • 2013

  • Nikita, E., Mattingly, D. and Lahr, MM., 2013. Late holocene desert-induced stress and human migrations through the Sahara: The case of the garamantes
  • 2012 (No publication date)

  • Mirazon Lahr, MB., 2012 (No publication date). Genetic and fossil evidence for modern human origins
  • 2010

  • Mirazon Lahr, MB., 2010. Saharan Corridors and Their Role in the Evolutionary Geography of ‘Out of Africa I’
  • 2003

  • Mirazon Lahr, MB., 2003. Neanderthals and modern humans in the European landscape during the last glaciation
  • Conference proceedings


  • Mounier, A. and Lahr, MM., 2019. Was Homo heidelbergensis in Africa? AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, v. 168
  • 2017

  • Mounier, A. and Mirazon Lahr, M., 2017. The origin of our species: an ancestral morphotype for modern humans American Journal of Physical Anthropology, v. 162
  • Correia, MA., Foley, RA., O'Connell, T., Ramirez-Rozzi, F. and Mirazon Lahr, M., 2017. Modern human hair, nail and breath isotopic signals and their relevance to diet assessment in the past American Journal of Physical Anthropology, v. 162
  • 2016

  • Mirazón Lahr, M. and Foley, RA., 2016. Human evolution in late quaternary Eastern Africa
  • 2014 (Accepted for publication)

  • Wilshaw, AO. and Mirazon Lahr, M., 2014 (Accepted for publication). New insights from old artefacts: A quantitative reassessment of the LSA technology of the Central Kenyan Rift European Society for the Study of Human Evolution,
  • 2011

  • Rozzi, FR. and Lahr, MM., 2011. Dental growth in Australian aborigines AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, v. 144
  • 2009

  • Martinez, FI., Busel, D., Moraga, M., Manriquez, G., Bellatti, M., Lahr, F. and Lahr, MM., 2009. Assessing the relationship between craniofacial morphology and genetic variation in a population with admixed ancestry AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY,
  • 2007

  • Stock, JT., Lahr, MM. and Kulatilake, S., 2007. Cranial diversity in South Asia relative to modern human dispersals and global patterns of human variation EVOLUTION AND HISTORY OF HUMAN POPULATIONS IN SOUTH ASIA:,
  • 2001

  • Foley, RA. and Lahr, MM., 2001. The anthropological, demographic and ecological context of human evolutionary genetics GENES, FOSSILS AND BEHAVIOUR, v. 310
  • Lahr, MM. and Foley, RA., 2001. Genes, fossils and behaviour: When and where do they fit? GENES, FOSSILS AND BEHAVIOUR, v. 310
  • Books


  • Lahr, MM., 1996. The Evolution of Modern Human Diversity A Study of Cranial Variation