I am Professor of Sociology and Political Economy at the University of Cambridge and professor of economics at University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
I study international and comparative political economy and have published extensively the transition from socialism to capitalism as well as the political economy of public health.I have a variety of publications and an active research agenda on the political economy of public health. This project has as its goal the bringing together of the type of variables, analyses and methods used in political economy with public health research. More precisely, this project seeks to investigate the public health outcomes of various political and economic processes, including macro- and micro-economic policy. It seeks to build on the “social determinants of disease” research, pushing it further and making it dynamic. In other words, I seek to uncover the “social determinants of the social determinants of health.” I have begun to extend this work from the postcommunist world to Latin America. I have also published on and continue to research the global governance of public health, with an international power structure analysis of the budgeting process of the World Health Organization.