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Cambridge Public Health


My research focuses on overweight and obesity in schoolchildren, with particular attention to the role of the built environment and physical activity.
I am convener for the Geographies of Health Reading Group

Publications from Elements

Journal articles

2020 (Accepted for publication)

  • Bosch, L., Wells, JCK., Lum, S. and Reid, A., 2020 (Accepted for publication). Associations of the objective built environment along the route to school with children’s modes of commuting: a multilevel modelling analysis (the SLIC study) PLoS One,
  • 2019 (Accepted for publication)

  • Bosch, L., Reid, AM., Wells, JCK. and Lum, S., 2019 (Accepted for publication). Associations of extracurricular physical activity patterns and body composition components in a multi-ethnic population of UK children (the Size and Lung Function in Children study): a multilevel modelling analysis BMC Public Health,
  • 2017

  • Bosch, L., Bosch, B., De Boeck, K., Nawrot, T., Meyts, I., Vanneste, D., Le Bourlegat, CA., Croda, J. and da Silva Filho, LVRF., 2017. Cystic fibrosis carriership and tuberculosis: hints toward an evolutionary selective advantage based on data from the Brazilian territory. BMC Infect Dis, v. 17
  • Theses / dissertations


  • Bosch, L., 2020. On Shape and Being Shaped - Rethinking the Urban Built Environment as a Catalyst of Childhood Inactivity and Obesity