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Cambridge Public Health


Gabor Scheiring is a political economist with a multidisciplinary background. He has been working as a research associate affiliated to the PrivMort project led by Professor Lawrence P. King since 2015. He received his degrees in sociology, economics and social anthropology from Budapest Corvinus University and Central European University. In his doctoral thesis titled The Wounds of Transition: The Political Economy of Mortality and Survival in Post-Socialist Hungary he investigates the impact of economic restructuring and deindustrialization in post-socialist Hungary on health and the collusion of class and identity in the everyday experience of economic injustice. As part of his research Gábor has among others built a unique company ownership database as well as carried out qualitative fieldwork in industrial towns.
Gabor has several years of experience in researching the formation and the impact of economic policies and the interrelations of democratization and marketization. In 2006 he was involved in a UNRISD research project assessing the social impact of the privatization of water. Between 2008 and 2010 he worked as a research fellow at the Institute for Political Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences investigating how social movements influence the policy process. Gabor has extensive experience both in qualitative fieldwork as well as in building databases for quantitative research. Parallel to his doctoral studies as part of his pilot research on the political economy of illiberalism he is currently building a relational database on economic and political elites. Gabor has edited several books in Hungarian related to the political economy of development and globalization.
Parallel to his studies Gabor Scheiring was a nationally and internationally active and passionate member of green and global justice NGOs during 2000s. As a co-founder of a left-green party he was elected as MP in 2010, he was member of the Commission for Economic Affairs of the Hungarian Parliament and served as a member of the board of the party responsible for economic policy. From September 2014 he is the Chairman of the Progressive Hungary Foundation, a think and do tank dedicated to progressive policy research and public education, formulating progressive policy visions, organizing international conferences and carrying out pilot awareness raising projects.

Publications from Elements

Journal articles


  • Scheiring, G., Irdam, D. and King, LP., 2019. Cross-country evidence on the social determinants of the post-socialist mortality crisis in Europe: a review and performance-based hierarchy of variables. Sociology of Health and Illness, v. 41
  • 2018

  • Stefler, D., Azarova, A., Irdam, D., Scheiring, G., Murphy, M., McKee, M., King, L. and Bobak, M., 2018. Smoking, alcohol and cancer mortality in Eastern European men: Findings from the PrivMort retrospective cohort study. International Journal of Cancer, v. 143
  • 2017 (Published online)

  • Scheiring, G., Irdam, D. and King, L., 2017 (Published online). The wounds of post-socialism: a systematic review of the social determinants of mortality in Hungary Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe,
  • Scheiring, G., Stefler, D., Irdam, D., Fazekas, M., Azarova, A., Kolesnikova, I., Kollo, J., Popov, V., Szelenyi, I., Marmot, M., Murphy, M., McKee, M., Bobak, M. and King, L., 2017 (Published online). The gendered effects of foreign investment and prolonged state ownership on mortality in Hungary: an indirect demographic, retrospective cohort study The Lancet Global Health,
  • 2017

  • Azarova, A., Irdam, D., Gugushvili, A., Fazekas, M., Scheiring, G., Horvat, P., Stefler, D., Kolesnikova, I., Popov, V., Szelenyi, I., Stuckler, D., Marmot, M., Murphy, M., McKee, M., Bobak, M. and King, L., 2017. The effect of rapid privatisation on mortality in mono-industrial towns in post-Soviet Russia: a retrospective cohort study The Lancet Public Health, v. 2
  • 2016

  • Irdam, D., King, L., Gugushvili, A., Azarova, A., Fazekas, M., Scheiring, G., Stefler, D., Doniec, K., Horvat, P., Kolesnikova, I., Popov, V., Szelenyi, I., Marmot, M., Murphy, M., McKee, M. and Bobak, M., 2016. Mortality in Transition: Study Protocol of the PrivMort Project, a multilevel convenience cohort study. BMC Public Health, v. 16
  • Scheiring, G., 2016. Sustaining Democracy in an Era of Free Markets: Karl Polanyi’s Perspectives on the Politics of Finance Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics, v. 2
  • 2008

  • Scheiring, G., 2008. Repolitization of Environmentalism: Dynamics of Ecopolitical Interpretation Frames in the Zengo-movement SZOCIOLOGIAI SZEMLE,
  • 2007

  • Scheiring, G., 2007. Barbarians at the open gates public sociology and the late modern turn American Sociologist, v. 38
  • Book chapters

    2018 (No publication date)

  • Scheiring, G., 2018 (No publication date). Hungary
  • Scheiring, G., 2018 (No publication date). Karl Polanyi: The Great Transformation
  • Scheiring, G., 2018 (No publication date). Basic Income as a Realist’s Transformative Strategy
  • 2016

  • Scheiring, G., 2016. The Discrete Charm of the National Bourgeoisie: The Political Economy of Democratic Backsliding in Hungary
  • 2015

  • Scheiring, G., 2015. Mass privatization
  • 2012

  • Scheiring, G., 2012. Hungary Back on Track: An Alternative Budget Proposal for Hungary (
  • Reports


  • Scheiring, G., 2018. Lessons from the Political Economy of Authoritarian Capitalism in Hungary
  • Working papers


  • Scheiring, G., 2006. Social Policies and Private Sector participation in water supply – the case of Hungary