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Cambridge Public Health


My research focuses on developing and evaluating interventions and services to improve children's mental health. I have a particular interest in the influence of family conflict and domestic violence and abuse on children's health and well-being, along with the development and evaluation of appropriate interventions to help children living with these stressors.

Publications from Elements

Journal articles


  • Arai, L., Shaw, A., Feder, G., Howarth, E., MacMillan, H., Moore, THM., Stanley, N. and Gregory, A., 2021. Hope, Agency, and the Lived Experience of Violence: A Qualitative Systematic Review of Children's Perspectives on Domestic Violence and Abuse. Trauma Violence Abuse, v. 22
  • 2019 (Accepted for publication)

  • Howarth, E., Vainre, M., Anderson Kosmala, J., Humphrey, A., Lombardo, C., Hanafiah, A. and Jones, PB., 2019 (Accepted for publication). A DELPHI STUDY TO IDENTIFY KEY FEATURES OF COMMUNITY BASED CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN THE EAST OF ENGLAND BMJ Open,
  • 2019

  • Howarth, E., Moore, TH., Stanley, N., MacMillan, HL., Feder, G. and Shaw, A., 2019. Towards an ecological understanding of readiness to engage with interventions for children exposed to domestic violence and abuse: Systematic review and qualitative synthesis of perspectives of children, parents and practitioners. Health Soc Care Community, v. 27
  • Burn, A-M., Vainre, M., Humphrey, A. and Howarth, E., 2019. Implementing the children and young people’s IAPT quality improvement initiative in Cambridgeshire: findings from a process evaluation Implementation Science, v. 14(Suppl 2):O8
  • 2018 (Accepted for publication)

  • Kosmala-Anderson, JP., Ford, T., Soneson, E., Thompson Coon, J., Humphrey, A., Rogers, M., Moore, D., Jones, P., Clarke, E. and Howarth, E., 2018 (Accepted for publication). A systematic review of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of school-based identification of children and young people at risk of, or currently experiencing mental health difficulties. Psychological Medicine,
  • Soneson, E., Childs-Fegredo, J., Kosmala-Anderson, J., Stochl, J., Fazel, M., Ford, T., Humphrey, A., Jones, P. and Howarth, E., 2018 (Accepted for publication). Acceptability of screening for mental health difficulties in primary schools: a survey of UK parents BMC Public Health,
  • 2018

  • Ferrari, G., Feder, G., Agnew-Davies, R., Bailey, JE., Hollinghurst, S., Howard, L., Howarth, E., Sardinha, L., Sharp, D. and Peters, TJ., 2018. Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): A randomized controlled trial of a psychological intervention in a domestic violence service setting. PLoS One, v. 13
  • Lewis, NV., Feder, GS., Howarth, E., Szilassy, E., McTavish, JR., MacMillan, HL. and Wathen, N., 2018. Identification and initial response to children's exposure to intimate partner violence: a qualitative synthesis of the perspectives of children, mothers and professionals. BMJ Open, v. 8
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Galante, MJ., Dufour, , Vainre, , Wagner, AP., Stochl, J., Benton, , Lathia, NK., Howarth, E. and Jones, PB., 2017 (Accepted for publication). A mindfulness-based intervention to increase resilience to stress in university students (the Mindful Student Study): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial Lancet Public Health,
  • 2017

  • Bacchus, LJ., Colombini, M., Contreras Urbina, M., Howarth, E., Gardner, F., Annan, J., Ashburn, K., Madrid, B., Levtov, R. and Watts, C., 2017. Exploring opportunities for coordinated responses to intimate partner violence and child maltreatment in low and middle income countries: a scoping review. Psychol Health Med, v. 22
  • Anderson, JK., Howarth, E., Vainre, M., Jones, PB. and Humphrey, A., 2017. A scoping literature review of service-level barriers for access and engagement with mental health services for children and young people Children and Youth Services Review, v. 77
  • 2016 (Published online)

  • Raine, R., Fitzpatrick, R., Barratt, H., Bevan, G., Black, N., Boaden, R., Bower, P., Campbell, M., Denis, J-L., Devers, K., Dixon-Woods, M., Fallowfield, L., Forder, J., Foy, R., Freemantle, N., Fulop, NJ., Gibbons, E., Gillies, C., Goulding, L., Grieve, R., Grimshaw, J., Howarth, E., Lilford, RJ., McDonald, R., Moore, G., Moore, L., Newhouse, R., O’Cathain, A., Or, Z., Papoutsi, C., Prady, S., Rycroft-Malone, J., Sekhon, J., Turner, S., Watson, SI. and Zwarenstein, M., 2016 (Published online). Challenges, solutions and future directions in the evaluation of service innovations in health care and public health Health Services and Delivery Research, v. 4
    Doi: 10.3310/hsdr04160
  • 2016 (Accepted for publication)

  • Galante, MJ., Dufour, G., Jones, PB., Benton, A., Howarth, E., Vainre, M., Croudace, TJ., Wagner, AP. and Stochl, J., 2016 (Accepted for publication). Protocol for the Mindful Student Study: a randomised controlled trial of the provision of a mindfulness intervention to support university students' well-being and resilience to stress BMJ Open,
  • 2016

  • Evans, M., Gregory, A., Feder, G., Howarth, E. and Hegarty, K., 2016. "Even 'daily' is not enough": How well do we measure domestic violence and abuse?-A think-aloud study of a commonly used self-report scale Violence and Victims, v. 31
  • Howarth, E., Moore, THM., Welton, NJ., Lewis, N., Stanley, N., MacMillan, HL., Shaw, ARG., Hester, M., Bryden, P. and Feder, G., 2016. Improving outcomes for children exposed to domestic violence (IMPROVE): An evidence synthesis Public Health Research, v. 4
  • Raine, R., Fitzpatrick, R. and de Pury, J., 2016. Challenges, solutions and future directions in evaluative research. J Health Serv Res Policy, v. 21
  • Evans, M., Gregory, A., Feder, G., Howarth, E. and Hegarty, K., 2016. "Even 'Daily' is Not Enough": How Well Do We Measure Domestic Violence and Abuse?-A Think-Aloud Study of a Commonly Used Self-Report Scale. Violence Vict, v. 31
  • Ferrari, G., Agnew-Davies, R., Bailey, J., Howard, L., Howarth, E., Peters, TJ., Sardinha, L. and Feder, GS., 2016. Domestic violence and mental health: a cross-sectional survey of women seeking help from domestic violence support services. Glob Health Action, v. 9
  • Howarth, E. and Robinson, A., 2016. Responding Effectively to Women Experiencing Severe Abuse: Identifying Key Components of a British Advocacy Intervention. Violence Against Women, v. 22
  • 2015

  • Andersen, K., Henderson, J., Howarth, E., Williamson, D., Crompton, D. and Emmerson, B., 2015. Way Forward: an Indigenous approach to well-being. Australas Psychiatry, v. 23
  • Howarth, E., Moore, THM., Shaw, ARG., Welton, NJ., Feder, GS., Hester, M., Macmillan, HL. and Stanley, N., 2015. The Effectiveness of Targeted Interventions for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: Measuring Success in Ways that Matter to Children, Parents and Professionals Child Abuse Review, v. 24
  • 2014

  • Ferrari, G., Agnew-Davies, R., Bailey, J., Howard, L., Howarth, E., Peters, TJ., Sardinha, L. and Feder, G., 2014. Domestic violence and mental health: a cross-sectional survey of women seeking help from domestic violence support services. Glob Health Action, v. 7
  • 2013

  • Brierley, G., Agnew-Davies, R., Bailey, J., Evans, M., Fackrell, M., Ferrari, G., Hollinghurst, S., Howard, L., Howarth, E., Malpass, A., Metters, C., Peters, TJ., Saeed, F., Sardhina, L., Sharp, D. and Feder, GS., 2013. Psychological advocacy toward healing (PATH): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, v. 14
  • 2012

  • Robinson, AL. and Howarth, E., 2012. Judging risk: key determinants in British domestic violence cases. J Interpers Violence, v. 27
  • 2006

  • Rivett, M., Howarth, E. and Harold, G., 2006. 'Watching from the stairs': towards an evidence-based practice in work with child witnesses of domestic violence. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry, v. 11
  • Conference proceedings

    2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Galante, MJJ., Jones, PB., Dufour, G., Vainre, M., Wagner, AP., Stochl, J., Benton, A., Howarth, E. and Croudace, TJ., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Universities futureproofing youth mental health: research confirms that offering mindfulness courses to students increases their wellbeing and resilience to stress
  • Book chapters


  • Martin, A., Hobman, E., Howarth, E. and McDonald, K., 2016. Organizational support for mental health, stigmatization of employees with depression and performance appraisal: A management simulation study