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Cambridge Public Health

Wearable technology event

Cambridge Public Health and Precision Health Initiative are excited to announce a symposium showcasing the potential of mobiles and wearable technologies in public health.


Mobiles and wearable devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, have exploded in popularity in recent years. With ever improving advancements in technology, networks and data analytics, the potential of wearables has skyrocketed - especially in health. Today, smartwatches can continually sense a variety of bio signals such as heart rate and ECGs and provide real-time data, leading to better detection of health events and early indication of potential health conditions.

Through the widespread adoption of wearable devices, their benefits can extend beyond individual users to the realm of public health. When combining individual users of wearables, it is possible to analyse health at a population level, and to screen for and monitor diseases at low cost.


About the symposium:
The symposium brings together researchers from across disciplines to showcase the potential, and challenges, of mobile and wearables in public health. It will comprise several short presentations with highlights including:

  • The challenges of adapting wearable sensing at the population level
  • Early detection of Alzheimer’s using mobility data
  • Covid diagnosis using sound data
  • Fitness using Accelerometer data
  • Ethical and legal issues of adapting wearables for public health

There will also be opportunities for networking during coffee breaks.



Monday, 27 March, 2023 - 14:00
Event location: 
Lecture Theatre 2, Department of Computer Science and Technology, West Cambridge