Join us for an exciting showcase, co-hosted by Cambridge Public Health Interdisciplinary Research Centre and Precision Health Strategic Research Initiative, to discover how advances in precision medicine are transforming public health.
From tailored health and well-being interventions to individualised early diagnostics and personalised therapies, our understanding of individual health and its impact on both communities and populations is rapidly evolving.
The University of Cambridge is at the forefront of this paradigm shift, bringing together world-class academic research with a dynamic medical technology ecosystem.
Session highlights:
- Early disease detection for patients, communities, and populations
- Precision public health
- Inclusive health and care systems
- The future of precision and public health
Keynote speaker: Professor Frank Kee, Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast
We are delighted to welcome Professor Frank Kee. His wide-ranging expertise spans epidemiology, health services research, complexity science, and public health – including precision public health. In addition to his academic achievements, Professor Kee plays a vital role in shaping UK research funding as a member of various UKRI scientific advisory boards.
Multidisciplinary insights:
This event brings together experts from across the University’s departments, including the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Department of Engineering, Department of Psychiatry, Epidemiology Unit, Faculty of History, and theM MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. Together, they will explore how precision health approaches are reshaping healthcare across disciplines.
Join us
This event is designed for researchers and practitioners to examine both scientific and philosophical perspectives on the opportunities arising from a precision approach to public health. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how precision healthcare can shape the future of public health and influence our response to emerging threats and established health challenges.
Book your ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1013560275067?aff=oddtdtcreator